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A Storm Is Coming! Here Is What You Need To Do

A Storm Is Coming! Here Is What You Need To Do

If you have ever been unfortunate enough to be caught up in a bad storm, such as flooding, typhoons, or a hurricane, then you will understand just what a terrifying experience it can be. It can leave people literally fearing for their lives - and can even take lives - and can cost untold financial damage to entire cities. While you can’t stop a storm - the force of nature is more powerful than anything else on earth - there are steps that you can take to protect your home and family and minimize the damage to both of them.  


It is a good idea to have a plan in place for storms anyway, but if a storm has been forecast, it becomes essential. Spend some time writing or typing up a storm or disaster plan and keep it in a place that can be easily accessed by everyone. This may be by the front door in a wallet or stuck to the inside of a cupboard door in the kitchen or hallway. Everyone should then know where they need to go and what they need to do if the worse should happen. It is also a good idea to have a landmark or a meeting place identified in case you all get split up without cell phones. Make sure you all know where this is, even the kids.

You may also need to think about having a grab bag put together, containing copies of important documents, prescriptions for medications, battery-powered torch and radio and spare batteries, emergency contacts and a basic first aid kit. You may also want to keep all the numbers that you might need - Service Restoration, insurance companies, close relatives and medical numbers.


Assuming you have not vacated and have remained in your house, it is essential to keep away from any exterior doors, windows, and skylights. Within houses, closets or toilets are usually the best places to go with pillows and duvets to snuggle down until things have settled down. Until you hear confirmation that the storm has passed, remain where you are — the eye of the storm will cause a misleading lull in the winds, and you do not want to be caught when it begins again! If you lose power, keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed to prevent any perishable food from spoilage.


Even if the storm appears to be over, do not try to leave your safe place and return to your home until the authorities have given you the green light. When you go home, make sure you approach the property with care and caution.

The first thing you need to do is check the safety of the building and look for any signs of gas or water leakage and damage to the electrical and sewage systems. If you are uncertain, or if you smell gas, or hear a hissing noise, stay away and call your gas and utility provider to report the problem.

Hopefully, you will never need to use these tips, but they are worth knowing just in case!

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Four Tips To Prepare Your Home For Autumn

Living At Home During Renovation Work

Living At Home During Renovation Work