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7 Top Tips for Getting Your Home Ready for Christmas

7 Top Tips for Getting Your Home Ready for Christmas

Undeniably, this year has been different from any other. And, this Christmas will be too! Parties will be almost non-existent, and even family gatherings will be restricted to a minimum. However, Christmas is the season to spend time with those you love the most, your family, and your friends. 

Many safety measures will apply, but you can still throw small Christmas parties and dinner at your home - even if just for your partner and little ones! If you are inviting other close family members, it is crucial to make sure that your home is ready for those visitors. You can start creating a beautiful and safe winter wonderland with the tips below. 

Create More Space

Your home is getting ready to welcome more people than usual, and it has never been more important to guarantee that each person has enough space for themselves. Even if you are hosting a small party or your apartment is not so spacious, you can create additional space by playing with your furniture. 

For example, if you are planning to host a dinner, place the dinner table in the middle of the room while removing chairs and cabinets you don't need. This process might require you to plan in advance, but it can help you make your rooms more spacious and enjoyable.

Deep Clean Your Home

If you have been waiting for an occasion to deep clean your home, make it this one! Deep cleaning your home can help you get rid of clutter and even give a fresh look to your interiors. And, of course, you can create a healthier and more enjoyable environment for your whole family. 

When deep cleaning your home, the details count. For example, cleaning your windows or front door can make your property much more looked after and loved. Make sure you are also investing in professional rug cleaning to bring out your carpet's real colors. 

Design a Cozy Outside Area

Of course, Christmas is the time we dedicate to our loved ones. And, even if you have decided to just throw a small Christmas dinner party for your closest family members this year, you can still safely meet some of your friends. You can do so by keeping your distance, be mindful, and choose an outdoor location! 

If heading to the nearest park is not in the cards for you, you might decide to turn your patio or veranda into a spot to receive your guests. Just make sure you make it extra cozy with blankets, cushions, and heaters. 

Add Themed Sanitizing Stations

No matter how large or intimate your Christmas party is, it has never been so important to create a safe space for all. You can make this much more fun by adding themed sanitizing stations around the house. These should include sanitizer and towels. However, you can also create little care packages for each of your guests, including a face covering and small bottles of hand sanitizer. 

Put Extra Attention into Your Bathrooms

All of your guests will use your guest bathroom, so you should make sure that it is clean and tidy. Add guest towels for their convenience, so they won't need to share them with other guests. Alternatively, you could use towels made of recycled paper for them to have a single-use, hygienic alternative. Make sure your guests can find antibacterial soap and hand wash in your restroom. 

Keep Clutter to a Minimum

Clutter is the enemy of a stylish home, and it has never been more important to get rid of it as it is today. Of course, Christmas decorations and presents will take up a considerable portion of your living space. However, it is crucial to get rid of anything that you don't need at this time. 

Something as simple as removing decorations and storing any unnecessary details can make your whole home look much cleaner. In turn, this can help you create a living space that is much cleaner to clean and sanitize before your guests arrive. Once they are gone, uncluttered surfaces can be cleaned in no time!

Decorate, Mindfully!

Christmas decorations are an important part of making your home more festive and welcoming. However, they can also create clutter and reduce your living space. So, when planning for your decorations this year, make sure you are opting for a minimalistic approach. This will help you keep most surfaces clean and free of debris. Swapping garlands and wreaths for lights, ribbons, and fairy lights can also help you create a cozy but airy space. 

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