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Welcome to my blog. I document my home decor journey, motherhood and fashion. Hope you have a nice stay!

Holiday Cheer with Samsung

Holiday Cheer with Samsung


Although this holiday season may look a little different to all of us, my children still see it as magical. They don’t see the fact that we aren’t doing all the normal holiday traditions. What my kids see is that we are creating new ones, and they LOVE them. I have had so many thoughts this season of “ I am not doing enough” but then I look at my kids, as they hug me and say, “I love you momma, thank you!. This is the best year ever.” I then realize that I am doing enough, to them I am everything. So for all of you mommas out there thinking you aren’t doing enough, know that you ARE!

One new tradition we have worked into our holidays this year is baking. Sienna LOVES baking, gingerbread men, sugar cookies, gingerbread houses, chocolate chip cookies, pretty much any sweet under the sun and we are baking it. Our Samsung Refrigerator with the Touch Screen Family Hub has helped us find new recipes and stay organized during the Christmas season. Let me tell you, any item that helps me stay organized is my new best friend! The Samsung Refrigerator allows me to create To-Do lists, grocery lists and search for fun recipes. Sienna loves it because she can draw on it, she tends to draw whatever it is we baked, right after we make it. Having a one stop shop for all of my lists has been so helpful and convenient during our Christmas season and has made life a little bit easier.

Another feature that I love about our Samsung Refrigerator is FlexZone Drawer, which is pretty much where all the wine for me is stored. It is a flexible storage drawer with four different temperature settings and an adjustable Smart Divider to stay organized. I love that I can set it at a different temperature to get my wine just the way I like it. Finally, the fingerprint resistant finish reduces smudges and allows me to clean less. I am not going to lie, my kids put fingerprints everywhere, I seriously don’t know how they get so messy, so this feature is so nice!

This holiday season our Samsung Refrigerator with the Touch Screen Family Hub has brought some much needed organization which brings me joy. So lets stop dwelling on the things that “aren’t” and start celebrating the things that “are” and the new traditions that we can create. For us, it has been baking and spending more time together as a family. It is walking around the neighborhood looking at lights and finding new neighborhoods to drive by and explore. It is nightly Christmas stories and that darn Elf on the Shelf. (Ya….. I started that this year) These memories may be different, but they are ones I will cherish forever and bring into future holidays. Finally, know that to your kids you are EVERYTHING, this season is magic and you are doing a great job!




How To Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh

How To Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh

Turn Your Skills To Your Home: Winter Help

Turn Your Skills To Your Home: Winter Help