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How to Keep Your Home in Great Condition

How to Keep Your Home in Great Condition

Creating an aesthetically appealing haven will only stay that way if you take care of maintaining your home and all that's in it. With busy schedules to keep ahead of, sometimes this can be challenging to do. Here are a few routine monthly, weekly and daily checks and cleaning tasks you can do on your home, to keep it in peak condition, giving you that show-home ready look, (almost) every day.


Each month, if you prioritize cleaning the filters on your appliances and electronics (mainly those in the kitchen) to prevent limescale and other debris from building up, you can extend the life of your devices. Filters that need tending to, at least every month are;

  • Dishwasher

  • Washing machine

  • Tumble dryer

  • Toaster

  • Vacuum

  • Fridge and freezer

While servicing your appliances and electronics, take note of any problems you can see. Such as an oven or refrigerator repair that needs tending to. Spotting issues with your devices early and hiring help to inspect and fix the issue will prevent the matter from getting worse and becoming more costly.


If you can find the time during the week to vacuum the upholstery, carpet, and mop the hard flooring, it will make a significant difference to the condition of your interior. Preventing dirt from outdoors staining the carpets, and hoovering away dirt and debris that can tarnish the look of your sofas, etc. to keep your floors and furniture in excellent condition. This is especially true for high traffic areas such as the entryway to your home and kitchen!

You can also use this time to polish surfaces and mirrors in your home to free skirting boards, ornaments, desks, and so forth from dust. Equally cleaning, and airing the bathrooms weekly will help to reduce the prospect of mold, bad odors, and bacteria. Another weekly, sometimes fortnightly task that will improve the appearance and cleanliness of your room is to change the sheets.


The kitchen is used more or less every day, and the cleanliness in this area is vital to prevent bacteria from spreading. Cleaning the kitchen surfaces, loading the dishwasher, sweeping the floor, and cleaning any spills daily well prevent bacteria from spreading and keep your kitchen looking brand new. And don't forget, the trash and recycling should be taken out as and when needed, to eliminate odors in your home.

Other tasks you may want to consider doing to keep your home looking fabulous each day, is to regularly pick up and put away toys, letters, washing, and other objects you find around the house. If you spot any clutter or broken items along the way, put them in the bin. Prioritizing these tasks daily will eliminate odors, bacteria, and provide a tidy home that you can rejoice in each day.

Having a beautiful home is not just about the time you spend decorating; it's also about the time and effort you put into maintaining its beauty. The tips above, when done regularly, can help you achieve that, and improve the interior of your home to last longer too.



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