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How You Know You've Found Your "Forever Home"

How You Know You've Found Your "Forever Home"

A lot of people go through their lives, hopping from home to home, trying to find something that’s “good enough” for their needs. 

However, getting to that point can be a massive challenge. Practically all homes have some drawback or compromise. That’s just the nature of life. 

But that doesn’t disqualify them from becoming your “forever home.” In fact, having a property with quirks can make you fall in love with it even more!

The Location Is Right

You know what they say in property: “location, location, location.” And there’s a good reason for that. Where your house is situated is often just as important as the features it offers. 

When choosing a forever home, try not to think too much about the property itself. If there are problems, you can always fix them later. Instead, think carefully about how the location might facilitate your long-term lifestyle goals.
Is it close to your work? Are there amenities and clubs nearby? Can you go for long walks in local forests? You get the picture. 

It Fits Your Budget

You might find a wonderful home. But if the price tag is in the millions, it’s not going to be affordable long-term - notwithstanding current low-interest rates. 

Setting your budget at a sensible level, therefore, is a critical part of the process. You want to make sure that you don’t overextend yourself and be forced to sell up. 

When moving, try to keep costs down by looking at multiple real estate agents and conveyancing quotes. Prices can vary wildly from provider to provider, so it’s often worth searching around. 

It Has Scope For Extension

Another sign that you’ve found your “forever home” is that there is scope for extension. In other words, you’re free to add to the property if children happen to come along at some point in the future. 

Remember, the perfect home is one that works flexibly around your lifestyle. So, ideally, it should be easy to tack on new rooms as and when you need them. 

It Offers High-Quality Interiors

Forever homes shouldn’t feel like temporary accommodation for you and your family. Instead, they should offer scope to live how you would intend to live if money were no object. 

Many people looking for “forever homes,” therefore, look for open-plan interiors. They want the flexibility and freedom to arrange their interiors how they like. Small, boxy rooms probably aren’t your best bet because they limit how you can use your home in the future. 

High-quality fittings and finishes are a bonus, but they’re not entirely necessary. You can always add them afterwards. What matters most is the amount of available space. 

It Makes You Emotional

You need to be careful with emotions when buying properties because they can cause you to think irrationally. Having said that, you usually know when you’ve found your “forever home.” You’ll get a special feeling in your heart telling you that it’s the right place. Having an emotional connection to the property helps to make your relationship with it permanent. 

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