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These Home Woes Will Turn Off Any Buyer

These Home Woes Will Turn Off Any Buyer

Are you thinking about selling your home in the not too distant future? If so, then it’s important to make sure that you are marketing it the right way. Part of this means ensuring that you deal with issues that could turn a buyer off completely. Here are some of the common problems that you must be aware of when putting your home on the market. 

Bad Smells

First, it’s possible that there’s a nasty smell in your home. Nasty smells can have a variety of causes. It could be coming from your gutters and if that’s the case you need a professional cleaning service like Gutter Boy Cleaning. It might also be coming from the drains due to a clog. If you can’t identify the cause of the smell, you’ll need to complete a thorough clean of your property. A temporary solution would be to mask it with more pleasant scents such as air freshener or even freshly cut flowers. This is a trick that property managers tend to use a lot.


It’s possible that you have a problem with bugs in your property. You might think that buyers won’t notice an issue like this. However, you’d be surprised how thorough they are with checks. Don’t forget buying a home is always going to be a massive investment. To handle this, we recommend that you find the source of the infestation. This might also require you to fill any gaps and cracks where pests are entering your home. The good news is that a fix like this isn’t usually too expensive. 

Bad Neighbors

Finally, it’s not just your home that you need to think about. You also need to consider issues with the surrounding area including problems with your neighbors. If you are worried about your neighbors then we recommend that you have a word with them before you start showing off your home. If you don’t get on, then they’ll probably want to get rid of you and will do everything they can to help with the sale. If you do get on, then they’ll be more than happy to support you. So, it’s just a win-win situation if you approach this the right way.

Poor Maintenance

Finally, you do need to make sure that your home looks well maintained. If there are issues here, then buyers will start to wonder what else is wrong with the property and there could be a lot of issues to contend with here. To fix problems with maintenance, you should make sure that you do get a pro in to complete any needed repairs. You might also want to arrange a professional cleaning to ensure that your home does look picture perfect for any people viewing it. 

We hope this helps you recognize some of the key issues with your home that could make a potential buyer completely avoid your property. Tackling these problems head on will help you secure a fast sale and gain access to the high offers that you have been hoping for 

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