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5 Smart Ways To Prioritize Home Safety While You’re Not Indoors

5 Smart Ways To Prioritize Home Safety While You’re Not Indoors

Regardless of whether you’re off on your vacation or you’re visiting family close by, it’s always essential to ensure your home is well-secured while you’re away. Research shows that homes are the most frequent targets for burglaries. Here are some practical tips to protect your home while you’re outdoors. 

Be mindful of what you post on social media 

Your social media posts could expose you and let the wrong people know that there’s no one at home. It’s best to avoid sharing too many details of your trip before leaving. If you still want to post, you can either switch off the location feature on your phone or remove geotags from your posts so people can’t easily identify where you are. It would help if your ‘sharing’ settings were private or at least limited to your close friends. 

Disconnect all electrical appliances if you can

Aside from doing all you can to ensure your home isn’t robbed while you’re away, it would help if you also considered ways to protect your home from any disaster or accidents. A great way to do this is by unplugging any non-timed appliances you may have, like lamps, televisions, coffee makers, etc. Doing this will help you prevent any power surges or electrical fires.

Notify your alarm company 

Home security systems are essential as they help you monitor your home, particularly when you’re miles away. As such, it’s best to have one installed as early as possible after moving into your home. If you’ve installed a home security system, you can consider notifying your alarm company of your absence, so they’re extra vigilant should your alarm be triggered for any reason.

Remember to lock up

If you’re planning to be away for an extended period, a basic security tip is to ensure that you lock up all your doors and windows. It would help if you didn’t forget other openings that burglars can easily break-in, such as mail slots and pet doors. After locking up, remember to take your spare key along with you instead of hiding it in an obvious place. You can also consider leaving it with a trusted neighbor. 

Create the impression that someone’s home

Even in your absence, it’s best to make it look like there’s someone around. You can do this by setting timers on your lights and gadgets such as your television, so they automatically come on, especially at night. Another way to create the impression that your home is occupied is by parking a car in your driveway, so it doesn’t look empty, keeping your grass well-groomed, and ensuring that your newspaper delivery is on hold while you’re away. 

It’s also prudent to have home insurance if an emergency occurs in your absence. You can get your neighbors or a house sitter to occasionally check in to ensure your appliances are in good condition and not posing any risks. Remember to check whether your smoke alarms are functioning before leaving, and make items such as fire extinguishers readily available if there’s a fire while you’re away. 

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