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6 Excellent Ways of Creating More Space in Your Kitchen

6 Excellent Ways of Creating More Space in Your Kitchen

Do you keep on bumping into things while in your kitchen because of limited space? You do not have to put up with this since there are several ways to make your kitchen more spacious. Most of these things are simple, where you can have a more spacious kitchen within minutes.

Remove Anything Unnecessary


Most people like putting things that they do not regularly use in their kitchens. You might find that you have utensils and tables which you rarely use in your kitchen. Such things play a big role in taking up space in your kitchen and therefore making it crowded.

It is advisable to ensure you remove anything that is not necessary from your kitchen. Only leave the things which you use every day so as to create more space. You can store the things you remove from the kitchen in a separate room, including in your basement, until the time you might need to use some of the removed stuff.

Have Your Kitchen Designed Properly

The kitchen design plays an integral role in determining the space available for you to move around. A well-designed kitchen is always spacious, even if its size might be relatively small. The design involves getting everything in the kitchen organized in a more orderly manner.

 You can transform closet to pantry in your kitchen to remove the unnecessary cupboards. This shall ensure that all the things in your kitchen are appropriately positioned and do not occupy any excess space. Furthermore, your kitchen looks more elegant and stylish through modern design.

Avoid Serving Food in the Kitchen

Even if your house is relatively small, it is paramount to make it a habit always to serve the food you cook in the sitting room. The importance of this is that serving food in the kitchen makes it necessary to have seats in the kitchen, and these seats take a lot of space. It would be best to teach everyone in your family to always eat from the sitting room instead of the kitchen.

 The ideal way to encourage your family members to always eat from the sitting room is by keeping your utensils in the sitting room. After cooking your food in the kitchen, you should take and serve it in the sitting room. This will discourage anyone who might feel the urge to eat in the kitchen since the utensils are in the sitting room.

Buy Modern Kitchen Appliances

There are a lot of modern kitchen amenities made in a way that they occupy minimal space. Even some appliances can perform several different tasks such as warming food, bleeding, and making coffee. Such appliances allow you to have a minimal number of appliances and also ensure that you have more space in your kitchen.

The ideal way of getting the right appliances for your kitchen is buying from the right sellers who stock modern items. You can get such sellers even in your neighborhood, or you can shop for what you need conveniently through the internet. The only thing you need to confirm is that the items you purchase are of the right quality and will give you value for your money.

Remove Any Entertainment from the Kitchen

Some people have TVs and other such entertainment appliances in their kitchen. Such appliances encourage people to spend more time in the kitchen since they can watch their favorite shows while in the kitchen. It would be best if you discouraged this by removing TVs and other entertainment appliances from the kitchen.

 By removing entertainment devices from the kitchen, you will be making sure that anyone who wants to watch TV or enjoy any other form of entertainment will strictly go to the sitting room. No one will be coming to the kitchen for any other purpose except to cook or get a certain item in the kitchen. As a result, your kitchen will be more spacious because few people will be coming to the kitchen.

Keep Your Utensils Clean

It is also helpful to ensure you clean all your utensils immediately after eating. The importance of this is that unclean utensils are usually disorganized, and they usually occupy more space. After cleaning your utensils, you will have to keep them in an orderly manner, and this will create more space.

 If you cannot clean your utensils immediately after using them, put them in the sink in an organized manner. This might happen when you are busy with other things, such as going to work. But the best thing is to clean the utensils whenever you have a chance without failure.

 Therefore, doing the simple outlined things will create more space in your kitchen, and as a result, you will not have to keep on bumping into things while in your kitchen because of lack of space.


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