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How To Make Your Home More Eco-Conscious

How To Make Your Home More Eco-Conscious

Being environmentally-friendly and aware of sustainable resources is the new future. Whether you are choosing to change your diet or invest in an emissions-free car, there are many of us looking to make a change and help the environment. 

For those of you who are eco-conscious will most probably be looking for ways to make your home more energy-efficient. Not only can eco-friendly upgrades make your home more efficient and sustainable, but it helps you save money in the future.  

New Windows

Installing new and replacement windows will save you money in the future and improve your home’s energy efficiency. Double-glazing offers better insulation and heat efficiency. This will mean your rooms can stay cool or warm depending on the climate you live in. Better insulation means less need for heating or air-conditioning units, which results in less gas and electricity being used.

New windows provide better insulation, which will help you prepare your home for winter and the hot summers. Your rooms will regulate the temperature better and more effectively. 

Be More Sustainable With Your Daily Routine

For everyday living, you can use more sustainable materials. These materials can be integrated into most everyday life routines, from eating to washing and cleaning:

  • Eat less meat: by reducing your meat consumption you can help preserve agriculture and increase the planet’s resources

  • Go paperless: stop receiving letters and opt for electronic versions

  • Grow your own produce: create a garden patch to grow your own fruit and vegetables

  • Donate unused items: give up unused clothes and household items

  • Use renewable energy: use solar, wind, water, and hybrid power 

  • DIY: make your own furniture or clothes instead of buying new

  • Recycle: dispose of food, plastics, garden waste, and other materials respectfully

Add More Plants

Potted plants are effective for indoor air cleaning. Not only that, but they are also nice and they make your home more welcoming. Sure, it takes a bit of responsibility to take care of plants but it’s surely worth it.

More plants will improve air circulation, meaning reduced mold build-up and the need for humidifiers. They can save money and energy.

Use Eco-Friendly Products

Go through all household products, such as cleaning, skin care, washing, and more, to see what products use harmful chemicals. Either use them up to prevent waste or recycle  appropriately. Then, invest in eco-friendly products that do not contain harsh chemicals that are bad for the environment and your health. 

These may be more expensive, but they will increase your eco-conscious footprint and help sustain the planet. If you are good at making your own products or want to save  money, you can make your own products. For example, you can make your own cleaning products by using items like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.

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