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4 Front Door Improvement Ideas For 2021

4 Front Door Improvement Ideas For 2021

If you are considering updating your home in 2021, you might have a laundry list of things you’d like to improve. There’s the interior design, the garden, the driveway, perhaps the kitchen and bathroom amenities… And then, right at the bottom of the list, is the front door. The front door is an element of your home that is probably always pushed to the end of the list, simply because there always seems to be other things to do that are more important.

Well, in this blog, we will make the case for bumping your front door improvements to the top of the list! Your front door is the first impression any guest or potential buyer will get of your home; it should be made a priority for your summer 2021 home improvement!

Here are 4 front door improvement ideas for 2021 and beyond!

Have your front door repainted for a fresh feel

One of the easiest ways to spruce up your front door and make it look like a brand new one is to have it painted a fresh, bright colour. If your front door has fallen prey to the shabby look of a neglected old door, you can change this with a simple lick of paint that is good quality and weather-wearing. 

You can even repaint your door yourself if you want a fun DIY project. Make sure to protect the floor and frame to ensure there’s no spill-over of the edges, and ensure you are using the right kind of paint for an outdoor setting.

Here are the top three colours we recommend for a fresh front door!

  • Tangerine orange. Even if you are a traditionalist, a beautifully bright, summery colour like tangerine orange is bound to lighten your mood! Make your home stand out, and bring the sunshine in any weather at all, with this gorgeous colour.

  • Turquoise blue. Once again, this bright azure-like colour will make you feel like you’re by the sea each and every day. Why not go bold?

  • Traditional royal red. If you want something more classic, a bold royal red still stands out from the crowd without being too out-there.

Invest in a vintage door knocker

Vintage door knockers are not only beautiful, but they are also like family heirlooms; they can be passed down from generation to generation, from door to door. A vintage door knocker can make your front door, and the general exterior of your home, look stunning to say the least. Choose from a novelty shaped one such as a bird or face, or a simple, classic door knocker design. 

To find a vintage door knocker that suits your taste, you should visit a local antique shop, or go online to find iconic, gorgeous vintage door knockers that’ll turn your front door from generic to totally unique.

Install a security camera above the front door

Security is an increasing concern among homeowners, particularly in areas in which the crime rates are increasing. To ensure you minimise the risk of break-ins, you should put a visible security camera above your front door. This doesn’t have to be a huge, clunky one that ruins your quaint aesthetic, it could be very subtle - but as long as it is there, it is unlikely anyone will attempt a break-in.

Similarly, if you have children or anybody vulnerable living in your home, a security camera is also a great way to ensure nobody is let into the home who could be an intruder. For overall safety, this is a good way to update your front door.

Replace the door altogether!

If you’re feeling brave, you could be thinking about replacing your front door altogether. Wooden front doors can warp and bend over time due to temperature fluctuations and general aging, and this can compromise the structural integrity, and therefore the safety, of your front door. 

If you need a new front door as soon as possible, you can find bespoke door makers, or specialist companies, online and in store. A new front door will be installed and completed without any effort from you - this isn’t a DIY job, but one for professionals. In addition to installing the door, you will need to replace the locks and have a new set of keys to your home. 

Final Thoughts

If you are searching for a project to complete in 2021, use these 4 tips to help you complete a total front door revamp in time for the summer! 

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