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Thinking Of Building Your Own Home? Read This

Thinking Of Building Your Own Home? Read This

For an increasing number of people around the world, the dream of building a custom home is becoming a serious consideration. The idea of contributing to every single aspect of constructing your ideal home space is a beautiful one - but of course, just like all huge projects, building a custom home can take its toll on you in myriad ways.

In this blog, we’ll explore the pros and cons of building a custom home versus buying a ready-to-move-in property. Let’s get started!

Pros of Building a Custom Home

Building a custom home has many perks that you’ve probably considered already - certainly, if you’re already in the mood-board stages of this idea! Just in case they need to be repeated, let’s take a look at the pros of building a custom home.

  1. You get to influence every decision.

If you are passionate about design and have plenty of ideas, you might love the idea of building your own home from scratch. You can influence everything, from how the home’s basic external layout looks to the final touches of interior design. 

2. Your home will be perfectly unique to you. 

Having a home that is unique to your family will make it even more special. Your home will be a part of your identity for years to come, beautifully interwoven with your tastes, your passions and your family’s home life. 

Cons of Building a Custom Home

Of course, there are downsides to building a custom home. These include…

  1. The cost. 

Of course, building a home is much more expensive than buying one with a standard mortgage. From architectural plans, to buying the land, to paying for construction, you will need a significant investment to make your custom home work financially.

2. You might not get exactly what you want. 

After all, life isn’t the SIMS - you can’t snap your fingers and magic your dream house into life. You may encounter roadblocks that mean you can’t have exactly what you envisioned.

Comparisons to buying a standard home…

How does building a custom home match up to buying one?

Firstly, buying a home is much faster than building one. If you need to move on a schedule, buying is definitely the right option. Building a home can take up to a year, and that’s even before you have the place finished internally and ready to move in!

Secondly, when you buy, you won’t have to make big decisions that could impact the future of your home. If you aren’t much of a design-head, and you aren’t used to dealing in property, it could be a risk to decide to build a custom home. When you buy, you’ll have to make certain considerations, such as modular vs manufactured homes - but most of the fundamental decisions are made for you, as the home is already built. 

Final Thoughts

Building your dream home is a beautiful image, and it can turn out to be an equally beautiful reality. However, you need to make serious considerations before you jump into a custom home build.

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