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How To Make Your Kitchen Look Super Expensive? Find Everything Here

How To Make Your Kitchen Look Super Expensive? Find Everything Here

The kitchen is the heart of every home. It’s the place where you cook food for your loved ones. That’s exactly why you need to take a closer look at your kitchen’s design. Obviously, you’ll make sure that everything is safe and adequately placed in the kitchen. You also should make sure that the heart of your home looks chic and expensive. 

But is that so easy? The burning question about how to make it look like you spend a thousand bucks on your kitchen still stands unanswered. Not anymore!

Here are some simple, easy, and affordable ways to make your kitchen look trendy, designer, and, best of all, expensive. After applying these tips, your kitchen will definitely look more luxe than ever. 

Let’s get started

Spruce up on your hardware

According to industry experts, if you want to make any part of your home look extravagant, you need to make sure that you have impressive hardware around. This is because changing the look of the furniture and cabinets makes a huge difference to the design. You need to leverage that and use the same for your kitchen.  

Try replacing your old, rusty, and worn-out drawers and cabinet, and pull with something latest and unique. For this, you need to check out some home decor magazines and pick the ones that instantly update and give your space a sleek new look.

Refrain from picking up loud hardware designs as they might end up making your space look tacky. Expensive-looking houses have subtle hardware designs as it adds class to their space. So, there's no doubt that you should go for the latter to serve the purpose of having a luxurious-looking kitchen. 

Opt for lighter shades

The color of your kitchen’s wall definitely plays a vital role in its design. Do it wrong, and you might end up with some dark and hideous walls. And you definitely wouldn’t want to show that off in front of your guests. 

So, while choosing the color of the kitchen’s walls, you need to ALWAYS go for some lighter shades. The best part of picking up lighter shades is that they reflect light and help in hiding eyesores such as dings, scratches, and dents on your walls and cabinets. That’s interesting. 

In fact, you can even consider adding some chic lighting fixtures on your kitchen’s walls to bring out the best in color. It will also contribute to brightening up your space and make it look larger, inviting, and lavish.

Speaking of lighting…

Go creative with the lighting

Any interior decor can be enhanced just by changing the lighting around. As mentioned earlier, adding lighting fixtures to your decor can bring out the best and add a finishing touch. That’s exactly why many interior designers consider lighting as a piece of jewelry for the design.

Try to switch your lighting fixtures to something more elegant and trendy than you already own. Don’t hesitate to go for different shapes and designs to add personality to your space. The best part of choosing lighting fixtures for your kitchen is that, unlike in the bathroom, you don’t have to worry about the splashing water. That’s why you don’t have to adhere to the regulations or the zones.

You can also consider adding LED downlights in your kitchen. These downlights are not only cost-effective but also durable and energy-efficient. When it comes to lighting fixtures, there are millions of options available. Pick the ones that make your kitchen look super expensive right away. 

Use artwork to its fullest

You might be thinking that artwork is for living rooms and bedrooms. But that’s where you are wrong. Art is independent, and so does its placement in the house. There are no restricted zones or hard and fast rules for where you should place paintings and sculptures.

If you want to take your kitchen’s decor to a whole new level, you need to fill up those empty walls with classic paintings. It adds a personal touch to the decor and brightens up space. The best part of choosing artwork for your kitchen is that you don’t have to restrict your creative self. You can actually go for bold and extensive options. Either way, it’s going to create an illusion of a bigger space. In fact, it’s the best option for the renters who might not have the freedom to change everything in the house. 

Try to break free from traditionally accepted subject matter for your artwork. Look for something beyond the fruit, vegetables, or still-life paintings. Go for vintage oil works or modern portraits to create a sophisticated vibe around.

ALWAYS go for stainless steel appliances

Stainless steel appliances are definitely one of the best additions to your kitchen. It adds a subtle and classic charm to space. Not to mention that it adds harmony to your kitchen decor. 

If you don’t want to spend extra dollars on purchasing new kitchen appliances, there’s an easy way out. You can consider painting the appliances you already own with stainless steel paint. Yes, that’s right! It’s one of the affordable ways to give a matt stainless steel finish to your kitchen appliances. 

You just need to pay attention to the paint you are using. Many companies manufacture different paints for different appliances. So, be careful with that. 

Go for open kitchen shelves

There is no point in creating an expensive-looking kitchen decor when you can’t show it off. For this, you need to go for open kitchen shelves that add newness to the decor and give you more storage options in the kitchen. 

You’ll be surprised to know that such storage solutions have become a lot popular in rustic and modern kitchens. 

The open-shelf home design can also be used to show off your amazing dish collections. Now, whenever your guests enter the kitchen, they’ll definitely be charmed by your exquisite kitchen layout.

To sum it all up

Having an elegant kitchen is the dream of many but fulfilled by few. Use the kitchen decor tips mentioned above and create a sleek new look for your space. 

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