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House To Haven: Tips To Turn Your Home Into A Sanctuary

House To Haven: Tips To Turn Your Home Into A Sanctuary

Many of us are spending more time at home than ever before. As our homes become classrooms, offices, entertainment venues and living spaces, it has never been more crucial to design a space that makes you feel content and relaxed. If your house isn't quite the haven you crave, here are some tips to turn your home into a serene sanctuary. 

Choosing colors for your interiors

Color has an impact on the aesthetic of a room but it can also influence the vibe of the space. While some colors, for example, bright yellow and pink, are proven to energize and uplift us, others have a more soothing, calming effect. When decorating parts of your home that are designed to promote and facilitate relaxation, it’s beneficial to opt for tones and shades that are suited to tranquil, peaceful spaces. Good examples include neutrals, pastels and hues of green, blue, and purple. 

Creating quiet, private areas

Our homes have multiple purposes, and it’s a great idea to designate zones for different activities. From social spaces like the kitchen to secluded spots like the bedroom, it’s helpful to bear the function of the room in mind when decorating and planning upgrades or new design concepts. We all love to spend time together and to hang out with friends and family but sometimes, there’s nothing better than curling up with a mug of coffee and a good book or running a bath and putting on some soothing music. Try to make space for quiet, private areas you can retreat to after a busy day or enjoy some well-earned me-time. You can use screens and curtains and choose custom window treatments to enhance privacy and block out noise, and you can also add soft furnishings and dimmer lights to add a cozy, homely feel. 

Adding soft furnishings

Adding soft furnishings is one of the most effective ways to make your home more inviting. From rugs and cushions to throws and blankets, you can design spaces that lure you in and make you want to cuddle up and get cozy. Opt for natural, lightweight materials in the summer, such as cotton, jute and linen and heavier fabrics in the winter. 


Lighting has a significant influence on the feel and ambiance of a room. Bright lights are ideal for entertaining zones, workspaces and places where you undertake practical tasks, such as cooking. Soft lighting works perfectly for serene areas where you can relax and unwind, for example, bedrooms, bathrooms and snugs. 

Scents and aromas

Scents and aromas can add ambiance to your home and encourage relaxation and calm. You can use diffusers, scented candles or automated systems to keep your home smelling beautiful. If you’re choosing products for bedrooms, bathrooms and cozy, peaceful areas, opt for scents that are proven to soothe, including chamomile and lavender. 

Our homes should be special, unique places that make us feel relaxed, safe, happy and secure. If your house isn’t the haven you dream of, there are ways to create a sanctuary. Choose soothing colors, set aside tranquil areas and add coziness with ambient lighting and soft furnishings. Enhance privacy and peacefulness with window treatments and curtains and use diffusers and candles to make your home smell incredible. 

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