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A Novice Buyer’s Real-Estate Guide To Eco-Friendly Homes

A Novice Buyer’s Real-Estate Guide To Eco-Friendly Homes

Eco-friendly homes are in high demand because people realize the significance of going green. Besides being healthy living spaces, such homes help owners save money on energy bills and do their bit for the environment. Moreover, the eco-friendly features enhance their value faster than the conventional properties. Not surprisingly, more and more buyers want to join the bandwagon, even if they have to spend a higher amount on acquiring such properties. But first-timers may find the concept confusing and not understand what to look for in an ideal deal. Here is a novice buyer’s real estate guide to eco-friendly homes.

Brush up on the basics

Before embarking on the journey, you must brush up on the basics of green real estate. Know the terms like carbon footprint, sustainable building materials, green design, and eco-friendly construction practices. Understanding these basics can help you evaluate options wisely by checking the apt criteria. Fortunately, you can find loads of valuable information online, so getting educated is a breeze. 

Stick with a reputable developer

A novice can get a step closer to a dream home by choosing a reputable land developer. You can collaborate with green developers because they go the extra mile to build sustainable projects. You will not have to stress about verifying environmental factors because you can take their word on the eco-friendliness of their projects. The good thing is that you can easily find like-minded land development companies because the trend is big.

Focus on land and orientation

The first thing to consider while buying a green home is the land, but most buyers hardly pay attention to this factor. Ideally, the developer must check the Wetlands Mapper to ensure that the lot isn’t in protected areas. Likewise, they should also implement other checks for environmental due diligence. You shouldn’t hesitate to ask as an informed buyer. Also, check the lot orientation to see if it allows natural light and good ventilation. 

Ensure green design

You will probably know the basics of green design, but you must use the knowledge to assess the potential deals. Look for space optimization because it can save you money by cutting the floor area and lowering the heating or cooling bills down the line. Besides space savings, green designs maximize the availability of sunlight and facilitate better temperature and ventilation control. Dig deep into the design to confirm these factors.

Look for energy-saving features

Perhaps the easiest step to assess the eco-friendliness of a home is to check for energy-saving features. Look for the basics like LED fixtures, smart automation, and energy-saving appliances. You may even buy a solar home if you are ready to shell out more money for home buying. But it is definitely a wise choice because you can cover the extra spending sooner than later with lower bills and tax credits.

You need not be a scientist to choose an eco-friendly home because it is far easier than you imagine. In fact, even novices can make wise buying choices by following this simple checklist.

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