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8 Ways To Turn Your Spare Room Into A Practical Space

8 Ways To Turn Your Spare Room Into A Practical Space

If you're lucky enough to have a spare room in your home, you might be wondering what the best thing to do with it is. There are many options when it comes to repurposing a spare room in a house. While some changes are more permanent and can help you increase the value of your home, most are relatively easy to change and can help you increase the flexibility of the space and get it to work for you the way you need it to.

Read on for some popular ideas on what to do with a spare room in your home.


Home gyms are becoming increasingly popular. Turning your spare room or garage into a gym can allow you a private space to work out and store your gym equipment so it's set up for when you need it. While it can be costly to buy the equipment you need and tricky figuring out how to set up your equipment, you can actually book a service to assemble gym equipment for you; using the space, for this reason, can be all the motivation you need to get in shape and stay fit and health without having the pay the monthly membership or workout in public.

Home Office

With more and more people working from home or taking up hybrid working, dedicating an entire room as a space to work instead of from your knee on the sofa can give you a space to get in the zone and separate your home and work life a bit more. If you don't work from home, you can create a room for your teenagers to study instead.


A library at home can be the ultimate relaxing space for the bookworms. Creating a room that not only holds all of your books but can be used as a quiet space to read and relax can be a haven you escape whenever you need to turn a few pages or be alone. Add in cozy lighting, comfy seating, and copious bookcases to create your own library setup you can enjoy in the comfort of your own home.


If you have the space you need for any other reason, why not look at turning it into a full-sized closet designed to hold all of your clothes and shoes? This can free up room in your bedroom and give you space to display all of your clothes, shoes, and accessories in a way that doesn't interfere with anything else and is kept separate so you can dedicate this space to getting ready each day.

Home Cinema

If movies are your thing, you can set up a home cinema in your spare room. Get creative with the seating options depending on the size of the room you have. Look at your screen options, be it a projector screen or large TV, and include all of the extras you would find in a cinema: a popcorn marker, dimmer lights, comfy seating, and surround sound to really pull together that complete cinema vibe.


One for kids of all ages, turning a spare room into a playroom can give you a room dedicated to play and toys and remove this from infringing on other areas of your home. This option gives you a safe space for your kids to play and somewhere you can house all of their toys in an orderly fashion. You can create specially built toy boxes or use storage bins to hold them all, add artwork and play mats, and get creative to make it a fun space.


If you have a hobby that requires you to collect different items, giving them their own room can keep them safe from damage and allow you to display them without having them all over your house. You can add custom shelving or units designed to fit your collection, be it sports memorabilia, pop culture collectibles, dolls, sneakers, or literally anything; create a room that can house the whole collection, and then you can marvel at it anytime you wish.

Man Cave/ She Shed

We all know what a good "cave" needs, and it's essentially anything you want to help you enjoy the space. You can set it up as a games room, a bar, a home spa, a socializing space, or anything you wish. The main aim is that your cave, be it a man cave or a she shed, has everything you want but don't necessarily need and is a space you can go to relax and enjoy.

Finding what works for you concerning the use of a spare room needs to be thought out carefully. Use your lifestyle and desires to help you pinpoint what would work best for you and get to work, making it a functional, not wasted space.

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