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Decluttering Your Home Is Great For Stress Relief

Decluttering Your Home Is Great For Stress Relief

Decluttering Your Home Is Great For Stress Relief

Living in a cluttered home isn’t a great feeling. It can leave you feeling like no matter how much you clean up, there’s no escaping it. If you’re going to work on your mental health, then you should work on improving the places that matter the most - like your home. Decluttering can take time, and you may have to learn to let go of some things, but you’ll feel so much better afterward. 

Parting with what you don’t need

Parting with your things can be very difficult if you’ve had them for a long time, but you’ve got to accept that it’s no use trying to hold onto your belongings forever. Letting sentimental value build up for every item you own is just going to leave you feeling suffocated, and your house look cluttered. Start deciding on what you want, and what you should get rid of. Not only does it help to clear up a lot of space, but you could make some extra money on the side if your things are kept in good condition.

Anything that you don’t think will sell, or you’re having a hard time selling could be donated to charity! It’s a great way to get rid of things that you don’t need, and it helps out those who are struggling.

If it helps, you don’t have to give everything away all at once. Some people find that getting rid of one item at a time is much easier, and it takes a lot of hard work out of it.

Clear up those cables

Anyone who owns a lot of gadgets or tech knows how messy cables can look when they’re left as is. Even if you’ve just got your TV and related devices in one corner of the room, having the cables go from there to the outlet can leave certain areas of your home looking quite messy! No one enjoys having these cables around, and there are plenty of great solutions to it. Cable ties, for example, are cheap and easy to get your hands on, and they’re incredibly simple to use.

Then there’s the case of loose cables that you’ve got lying around. Simply putting them in a draw doesn’t really help to keep them out of sight, and that can often be damaging to them, especially if they’re expensive cables. For a more secure form of storage, check out You don’t run the risk of permanently damaging your cables when they’re kept properly.

Break it up

Trying to handle your whole home all at once is a huge ask, and it does nothing for your motivation. Instead, you should consider breaking that task up into smaller pieces. Handle one room at a time, or even just one area if you feel like it. Today, focus on the dresser, tomorrow handle the shelves in the garage. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of clutter you have, recognize that even small steps can help you make some progress.

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