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Signs You Have Too Much Stuff and Too Little Space

Signs You Have Too Much Stuff and Too Little Space

Have you ever looked around your home and felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of stuff? We've all been there - those piles of papers, mountains of clothes, and random knick-knacks seem to multiply when we're not looking. If you're starting to feel like your possessions are taking over, it might be time to reassess.

Read on for some tell-tale signs that you might have too much stuff and too little space, and it might be time to do something about it.

1. You’re always losing things

If you frequently find yourself on a treasure hunt for your keys, wallet, or that one specific cooking utensil, it could be a sign that your stuff is outweighing your storage solutions available to you, and a trip to to change that, could be in order sooner, rather than later.

2. Every surface is covered

When every table, countertop, and dresser is covered with items, it's a clear sign that you have more belongings than you have places to put them. It can make your home feel chaotic and make cleaning a constant uphill battle that sucks your time, and often it feels like, your will to live, along with it.

3. Your closets are bursting

Are you playing a dangerous game of Jenga every time you open a closet or cupboard? If your closets are jam-packed to the brim, it might be time to reconsider how much stuff you're holding onto before you get buried under your Sunday best. 

4. You can no longer use rooms for their intended purpose

If your dining table is more of a storage unit than a place to eat, or your guest room has turned into a dumping ground, you've definitely outgrown your space. Rooms should serve their intended purpose, not just act as storage spaces, and if they don’t your life will be diminished as a result. Do something about it!

5. You’ve got multiples

Do you own three potato peelers or a myriad of screwdriver sets? Owning multiples of the same item, especially if they are things that you rarely use, is a sign that your stuff is starting to take over your home, and things need to change.

6. You can’t shut drawers or doors

If your drawers refuse to close or your cabinet doors are always ajar due to the items stuffed inside, this is a sure sign that you need to channel your inner Marie Kondo and do some serious decluttering of your space.

7. It’s stressing you out

Ultimately, if the clutter in your home is causing you stress, it's a clear sign that something needs to change. Your home should be a haven of peace and comfort, not a source of anxiety.

8. You’re embarrassed to invite people over

If the state of your house is preventing you from hosting friends or family because you're worried about what they might think, this is a clear sign that something needs to change because your quality of life is suffering.

Decluttering might seem like a daunting task, but the peace and space you reclaim will be worth the effort, so if you spot any of these tell-tale signs, it’s time to do something about youre stuff.

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