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8 Tips for Creating Your Perfect Backyard

8 Tips for Creating Your Perfect Backyard

A 2022 survey found that over 80% of Americans planned to invest in their yards in some form for that year; this is a huge amount of people wanting to invest in their outdoor areas. Given the increasing trend of people spending more time at home and the growing interest in outdoor living, it's likely that this number could have potentially risen between now and then. 

So, with more people seeing the benefit of investing in their outdoor space and creating an 'external oasis' at home, a place they can use and enjoy, it's easy to wonder why search terms for things like "home landscaping ideas, " "garden makeovers, " and more are trending worldwide on Google.

If you're considering joining this trend and revamping your outdoor space, get ready for a thrilling creative journey. With some well-intentioned tips, you can transform your space from ordinary to extraordinary, unleashing your creativity to create a yard that will have everyone talking for all the right reasons!

If you want to know how to make the most of your outdoor space, envision transforming your yard into a beautiful haven for the whole family to enjoy, whatever the season and then follow these important tips for improved results.

Assess The Space

Understanding the space you're working with and how you currently or plan to use it is crucial. Not all outdoor spaces are the same, and knowing your size limitations, ground abilities, and other factors can help you eliminate some ideas from the start and completely understand what's possible.

You might want to talk to garden design experts to get a better idea of how to use the space and what your possibilities are before doing any work.

Draw Up Rough Plans

You don't need to be an artist for this step. Simply drawing a shape representing your yard's external boundaries, along with entry points, can give you a blank canvas for drawing up some ideas. Make a list of all of the different things you want to add or functions the space needs to perform to enable you to visually see how they would work together and what it might look like. It can help you to see the different placement of sections or furniture and features such as buildings or pools, etc, and how you can accommodate them prior to investing in drastic changes.

Don't be Afraid Of Using All The Space

This means getting into all the corners using the fencing and boundaries for design features if required and building up or down into the ground to help you create different levels or zones for maximum use, etc. By utilizing every inch of your yard, you can create a space that is not only visually appealing but also functional, providing more areas for relaxation, entertainment, or gardening.

Consider Function, not Just Aesthetics.

Before you take a deep dive into creating the perfect IG-friendly yard that looks simply stunning, take a moment to understand how you will be using the space or want to use the space. Always pay attention to function to ensure that your new landscaping not only looks good but performs well too, providing reassurance about the practicality of your design.

Consider Indoor-Outdoor Living

Developing an indoor-outdoor living area is a fantastic way to make the most of your outdoor space. This means that your indoor essentially flows outdoors for a space that feels like an extension of your home and gives you more usable square footage. It could be that as part of your plans, you add in bi-fold or sliding doors to open up your kitchen onto a patio area that is equipped with seating or dining furniture to enable you to eat outdoors, or you have an outdoor kitchen that fits seamlessly onto your home to facilitate flexible cooking arrangements for entertaining or just more dining options at home.

There are many benefits to creating indoor-outdoor living options, not least because the ROI on a well-executed space of this type can be high. Excellent landscaping can add anywhere from 10 to 70% to your home value in some cases (size, style, flow, finish, and demand dependent).

Weather and Climate

Another important consideration for your new outdoor design and endeavours is your climate. This will play a massive part in the overall design and features you choose to include, ensuring you are well-informed and prepared for your landscaping project.

If you live in areas that experience frequent extreme heat through the summer ( for example, Las Vegas), then you might want to consider the addition of pool or shade areas to block the sun and provide some respite from the heat so you can still sit outdoors. For those who live in areas of frequent rainfall, adding structures you can sit in to protect you from the rain can allow you to enjoy your new yard for longer periods even when the weather isn't cooperating. Allowing your typical weather conditions to influence some features and decisions can create a space you can use as much as possible and isn't only fit for use for limited periods.

Consider A Focal Point

Your yard will need a focal point to help you base your entire design around, and this can be anything you need. It could be an outdoor kitchen, as mentioned, a decking area for seating, a water feature, structure, or anything. It's entirely up to you, but a focal point will be the one thing that catches people's eyes and draws their gaze, so paying attention to what it could be and where you need to place it can help you to create a more cohesive design that really makes an impact.


Lastly, the types of materials you use will influence the overall look and feel of the end result. There are no hard and fast rules on what you should most definitely use and avoid. Simply put, what you can afford, what will weather well in the elements, and what will pull your ideas and style together.

If you have the budget, you can consider using more high-end luxury items like timber beams, porcelain tiles, etc., and adding luxury additions. For those working on a more modest budget, getting creative with your materials can help you save money and still create a garden space that has wow.

Also, think about the upkeep of certain materials and design aspects. Such as having to mow the lawn frequently or tend to plants and greenery to help keep them looking good all year round. Treating and caring for wooden features such as desks or furniture to keep them safe and functional, etc. Opting for low-maintenance outdoor materials and designs might work better for you over natural options or vice versa, But before you choose your minerals and style of space, consider the upkeep of your design going forward and be sure you can cope with the care each aspect might need.

There we go! Before diving headfirst into ripping out your yard and giving it an extreme makeover, think about the points mentioned in this post to let you take your time to assess the best use for the space you have, what your realistic possibilities are, and what options will work best for you. Once you have all of this information to hand, you can move forward in putting your design together to create a stunning yet practical outdoor space that allows you to get more enjoyment in your home and relax both indoors and outdoors too.

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