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How to (Stylishly) Futureproof Your Home

How to (Stylishly) Futureproof Your Home

Once you’ve settled into a house you love, it’s the best feeling in the world knowing you have found a home for the rest of your life; somewhere you feel safe, loved, and ready to put down roots. This is the home you want to be able to pass on to your children, both while they’re growing up and in the future. Even if your dreams do change and you end up wanting to sell, you’ll want to invest in your home, both for your own present enjoyment, and to make sure you’re getting value from it. But how can you ensure that your house lasts the test of time? There are all sorts of issues that can plague buildings as they get older, and your home is no different. Structural problems, flooding, extreme weather damage, and general wear and tear can all have drastic effects on a home, but there are ways you can combat this!

Look After That Roof

The first place you’ll want to look at is the very top of your house. This is the area that will see the most pressure put upon it from outside elements, including storms, rain, and animal invaders! Roofs can quickly become damaged - but on the other side, having a well-maintained roof can give you so much more than you might think! If you’re getting your roof serviced or re-installed, it’s definitely worth investing in good insulation as this will save you on energy bills as well as making your house feel cozier. Make sure your roof has great run-off systems to get rid of excess water especially in flood-prone areas, and that these run-off systems continue at ground level so you’re not just creating a pool around your home!

Protection From the Elements

The weakest points in your home will always be your windows - but they can also be the most visually attractive! Windows let in light and provide focus points for rooms, so you don’t want to reinforce them with ugly bars or cheap double glazing. However, if you live somewhere with strong storms and winds then it’s a good idea to protect yourself from potential damage. A good solution is impact windows, which as the name suggests can resist very high impacts without compromising on how they look.

Don’t Weaken Your Foundations

Open spaces with lots of light and free movement between rooms - it sounds like the dream, doesn’t it? When you get on a home-improvement binge, it can be very tempting to think about knocking down interior walls in order to create open plan living spaces. Whether it’s expanding a room by getting rid of unnecessary cupboards or removing walls to create that perfect kitchen-living room space, changing the layout of your home can have amazing effects on how it feels. Yet remember that walls aren’t just there to block lines of sight - they have structural purposes too! Always consult with an expert before knocking through any walls, as you risk weakening your home and making it more vulnerable to damage down the line. A good alternative can be to remove walls but put stylish pillars in their place - make your home into a spacious, Grecian-inspired villa without compromising on its structural integrity!

Don't Forget About Home Insurance

There's no way to futureproof your home quite like insurance, as it's the only way to protect yourself financially should any property problems occur. Spending huge amounts of time and money to improve your family home will be a total waste if you do not use your initiative to take out a full coverage home insurance policy, as something as unpredictable as a flood, fire or burglary could see you forfeit all of your hard work. Getting in touch with a local homeowners insurance company can provide you with ultimate peace of mind, as you can rest easy in your property knowing that your roof and everything under it is protected and replaceable. You'll likely gain full compensation in the event of an accident or freak event that was due to no fault of your own, future proofing your home to the fullest extent possible! Ensure you take the time to find the highest rated home insurance provider, as there's no need to give your money each month to an unreliable and unhelpful insurance company who has a poor track record for customer satisfaction. 

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