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4 Energy-Saving Home Improvements Worth Investing In

4 Energy-Saving Home Improvements Worth Investing In

Are your utility bills piling up every month? Is it becoming increasingly expensive to keep the lights on or the water running? Then perhaps it is time to start making some energy-saving changes. Depending on how much you have in your wallet, there are numerous options available to help cut down on how much you pay for utility bills. Plus, in making energy-efficient upgrades, you will also be making your home more eco-friendly. In this article, we will consider a few of them.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are one of the best alternative long-term sources of power since they help you to save money on the cost of energy. We have solar panels and we love them. Their popularity has increased so much so that about 80% of home buyers now believe they are a requirement.  However, you might not enjoy it to the maximum if your living conditions are short term - that is if you won’t be living in the house for a long time. This is because the installation of solar panels can be very expensive. Thus, you will only be able to reap the full benefits of solar power over a longer period of time. That said, with the price of electricity going up every year, investing in your own source of energy is a great idea. It also adds value to your home, so even if you decide to sell it, you get your money’s worth. It’s a win-win situation all around!

Use More Ceiling Fans


Let’s talk about a cheaper option for air conditioners. Sometimes, nothing beats the feeling of the chilled air wafting in your home on a hot, sunny day. However, that feeling you get when your electricity bills start shooting up is no good either. Ceiling fans may not offer the type of chilled air that air conditioners produce. They do a pretty darn good job of keeping your home cool and getting rid of the heat - provided you use them properly. While your ceiling fans will also run on electricity, they will consume less than half of what the air conditioners consume. 

Use Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs


Energy-efficient light bulbs have been with us for quite some time now. However, most homeowners have been a bit reluctant to make use of them. This is because most people underestimate exactly how much they stand to save, in terms of power cost, when they use them. Also, previous energy-saving bulbs were low in quality in terms of the lighting effect. But there have been significant improvements in the quality of the current ones. Although energy-efficient light bulbs are a bit more expensive than their traditional alternatives, they offer a longer service period and help to reduce power costs by as high as 80%. This means that long-term, energy-saving bulbs will help you save a lot of money on your bills than the traditional bulbs. Plus, they are also very environmentally-friendly.

Purchase Energy-Efficient Appliances

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In the wake of energy-conscious technological advancement, also consider home appliances. There are energy-efficient alternatives to almost any kind of home appliance available on the market. When shopping for a machine, be sure to look out for the ones with the ENERGY STAR label. This is the main guarantee that the appliance you are purchasing is energy-efficient. Energy-efficient appliances consume less power than their traditional alternatives.

Just thought I would share these tips that go hand in hand with my eco-friendly home post. While I am still learning new things I can do everyday, I am trying to implement as much as a I can, to save both money and the environment.




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