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5 Ways To Create A Healthier Home

5 Ways To Create A Healthier Home

Our homes are a safe space from the stresses of the outside world, and so it’s important that our homes are as healthy as possible. One of the first things to do is to declutter and have a good clean up. A disorderly home can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. Besides this, try these six tips to make a few healthy changes in your home.

1 . Indoor plants

You all know I love my plants! Originally I loved them for the way that add so much color and texture to your home. However, they are also good for you! According to Psychology Today, indoor plants are scientifically proven to lift our moods and reduce stress. Plants also help to clean your air, removing harmful toxins including benzene and nitrogen dioxide. For the bedroom, try purchasing plant’s that release oxygen at night such as neem trees, snake plants, or peace lilies. For the bathroom, choose plants that thrive in humidity including bamboo or spider plants.

2 . Air purifiers

The Environmental Protection Agency reported that indoor air contains up to five times more pollutants than the air outside. For this reason, it’s important to improve the quality of your indoor air. The best thing to do is to contact your local HVAC company, who will be able to offer you various options to improve your air quality. You might use air purifiers, media filters or UV lights. Air purifiers and similar solutions are designed to remove toxins, bacteria and allergens from the air. We have an IQ Air in our room and it has been a game changer!

3. Water filters

We have a water filter system in our refrigerator but we also have one in our bedroom. We realized we were wasting so much plastic by having water bottles and really wanted to make a commitment to helping the environment. Some places in the world have tap water that is fine to drink but most places don’t. Physicians for Social Responsibility estimate that ‘up to 900,00 people get sick in the US per year, from contaminated drinking water.’ Using a water filter in your home can help you to ensure that the water you drink is free from contaminants. Water filters use either chemical or physical filtration to clean the water. Chemical filtration uses chemical reactions to get rid of tiny impurities, and physical filtration uses a barrier to filter out the larger particles. It also helps save the environment by reducing the use of plastic bottles, so it is a win win.

4. Eco-candles

Conventional candles release chemicals into the air which can be harmful for our health and the environment. Purchasing eco-candles means you can still use candles in your home, without polluting your air and your lungs. Eco-candles are made out of vegetable wax or soy, so you can be certain that these products are both green and safe.

5. Green cleaning

 Conventional cleaning products are also packed with harmful chemicals. Luckily there are plenty of green-cleaning products available, including brands like Eco-me, Caldrea and Puracy. These companies use natural plant ingredients to make their products, and prioritize earth-friendly packaging. Some people worry that green-cleaners won’t be as effective as traditional cleaners, but this really couldn’t be further from the truth! If you prefer, you can always try using products like vinegar and lemons to give your house a nice spruce up. Vinegar is an amazing ingredient to clean everything in your home from your surfaces to your toilets and your windows.

For an eco-friendly home, you can also try making compost from your food waste; growing your own vegetables; or using water saving appliances. Appliances like water saving shower heads or dual flush toilets are both useful to conserve water.

These tiny steps can make a big impact on your health and the environment.



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