Pragmatic Ways To Save Money On Your Electric Bill
I know the pain of opening an electric bill and seeing that price. We even have solar panels and the prices can be a lot especially when we are running the air during the summer! I decided I needed to find ways to save on that bill and wanted to write a blog post on it to share with all of you. Saving money on your energy bill could make all the difference when trying to make ends meet every month. Apart from making your home more eco-friendly, you also want to make sure that your home is sustainable for a relatively inexpensive energy bill. You do not have to frantically wonder “how to switch my electric company” just yet. There are a few things you should check up on when trying to lower your heating and cooling, water and power and lighting expenses. By following these simple tips, you could save as much as 25 percent on your electric bill.
Heating And Cooling
The best way to save here is to make sure that your appliances are working correctly and there are no damages to the way they operate. For example, the seals on your windows, doors and refrigerators need to stay sealed. If all the cold or warm air is getting out, then more than likely it is difficult to keep the cold or warm air in. This makes your appliances, heating and cooling system have to work extra hard, blowing up your heating and cooling expenses. You should also repair leaky heating, ventilation and air conditioning duct as doing so will greatly improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system.
When you are away from home or asleep, make it a habit to set your thermostat back 10 to 15 degrees. If done for at least eight hours a day, you can reduce your yearly heating and cooling expenses by roughly 10 percent. It is also recommended that you set your fridge to 38 degrees and your freezer to five degrees.
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This may be difficult, but try cutting back your shower time by two minutes. Doing this could cut your water usage by 10 gallons. Replacing your old showerhead can also reduce your water usage.
When washing your clothes, submerge them in warm to cold water instead of steaming hot water. This could cut your energy usage in half. Avoid throwing money down the drain by fixing a leaky faucet. It could also help if you adjust the water temperature on your water heater to 120 degrees if it is not there already. You can adjust it even more if you will be away from your home on an extended stay.
Power And Lighting
Use energy-efficient light bulbs. Doing this could save you up to $75 a year. You could also opt for dimmer switches which let you determine the brightness of the room. It not only sets the mood, but it also can help you save electricity. It is also recommended that you use smart power strips when powering things that do not truly go off like the remote. When you install a smart power strip, it cuts off the electric current when those devices are not being used. Another way to ensure you are saving energy costs is to have your energy use audited by your utility provider.
However, the biggest savings of all can be made by taking a closer look at your utility providers. If you have multiple electric companies in your area, then you need to do a price comparison to see if there’s anything more affordable on offer around. Loyalty to utility companies rarely pays off, but there are often rewards or bonuses for new customers.
So hopefully this helps you save some money on your electric bill.