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How To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient and Save You Money - BurnettBungalow- 26th May 2022

How To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient and Save You Money - BurnettBungalow- 26th May 2022

Turning your house into a cozy home is one of the joys of moving into a new place. Over time you might start to realize that it is not as energy efficient as it could be though, especially if it is an older home. So if you are in need of much needed inspiration on how to make your home more energy efficient, then you are in the right place. Here are some ideas to help you improve your home’s eco-friendliness. 

Switch Off Unused Appliances 

You are likely to have a lot of gadgets or appliances in your home. Leaving them constantly switched on, such as your cellphone charger or laptop cable can still use a considerable amount of energy. So if you have this habit then try to be more cautious and get into the routine of removing the appliance from the wall at least, as this can still use a considerable amount of energy, even when switched off. 

Insulate Your Attic 

During fall and winter you are likely to have your heating on for the majority of the time to keep you warm. As warm air rises this is likely to drift up to your attic and out into the open if it is not fully insulated. A good way to be more energy efficient is to insulate your attic. This will prevent any warm air escaping out of gaps in your roof and will help to keep your home warm for longer. So it is definitely worth spending the money on getting a professional to insulate your attic instead of leaving it how it is. 

Switch Your Electrical Power

You might want to consider installing a split mini system with regards to your electrical system, as this only uses on average 432 kWh per month. Compared to a typical electrical unit that powers your entire home, a mini-split system instead will focus on only one room at a time. This is far better than heating or cooling your entire home when in reality you only want to change the temperature of one room.

As a result you will find that you use far less in terms of electricity compared to not having a split mini-system. The less electricity you can use the better it is for the environment and for reducing your usage. 

Install a Water Meter 

It can be easy to waste water if you are not aware of how much you are using. In order to reduce your water usage which is better for the environment, you could get a water meter installed in your home. This will prevent you from wasting lots of water and to be cautious about how much you are using. 

Upgrade Your Windows To Double Glazing 

Over time your windows can become less effective at maintaining the warmth in your home or protecting them from heavy rain when gaps emerge. The best way to ensure that you do not waste energy heating your home is to install double glazing on your windows. It helps to keep them sound proof, which is very useful when it rains heavily and will be much more effective at keeping the rooms in your home warm. This will save you money on your energy bills and reduce the need for wasting electricity or gas to heat your home. The more stable the room temperature is the less likely you are to need your central heating turned on in the winter months. 

Do a Load of Laundry When You Have Enough To Wash 

Instead of just washing one or two items at a time it will be better to let your laundry pile build up a bit so that you will have enough to do a proper wash. Your washing machine can use a lot of energy and water in order to wash your garments so if you are using it frequently you are likely to be using a lot of energy. 

Clothes that are not too dirty or do not smell can also be washed at a lower temperature instead of a really hot wash. This can be another effective way to use less energy in your home. So try to be a bit more organized with your laundry duties and group items together. You will be more energy efficient and spend less on electrical and water bills which is certainly a plus. 

By changing your daily habits, even in a small way could lead you to make more positive changes and be much more aware of the energy you are using in your home. All it takes is for a few small changes to be able to make a difference in your daily habits. It is worth making these changes at home if it means you are able to use less energy and save some much needed dollars in the process too. 

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