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Getting The Most From Your Garden - All Year Round

Getting The Most From Your Garden - All Year Round

Our gardens are always important. However, since the pandemic and the restrictions it has placed on us, our gardens have become almost the only outdoor space we could consistently spend time in. As long as the weather was warm enough and it wasn't raining or snowing that is?! In fact, the weather and the seasons tend to make a huge difference as to how much we can enjoy our outdoor space. Although, the good news is there are some strategies you can use to make sure you get the most out of your garden all year round! Read on to find out what they are. 

Start with a good foundation 

Many people think that a garden is no more than a lawn and some seasonal blooms. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, if you want your outside space to be interesting to spend time in all year round, you must begin with a good foundation. 

What this means is that you consider the features that will be there year-round such as hardscaping, furniture, fencing and shrubs, and evergreens. Then when your blooms are out of season, and your lawn isn't looking so hot you will save some exciting features to draw the eye and make your garden a pleasant space. 

Put up some shelter 

Another smart way of making sure you can use and enjoy your garden all year round is to put up some shelter. The great thing about a shelter is that there are so many different types to choose from. Many will also work just as well in rainy weather as they will when the sun is shining, something that means you can use them to maximize your time outside. 

One popular form of shelter for the garden is a sun sail. This is a large piece of heavy canvas that is suspended between two points, providing shade in the heat, and a dry spot for the rainy season. Other options you may also wish to consider include a summer house, a gazebo, or even a sunroom. Indeed, the latter in particular can be sourced through one of the various Aluminum Companies in your area. Something that means it's easy to put up and cost-effective too! 

Work in layers 

Next, if you want to get the most out of your garden all year round, then it's important to consider your planting carefully. This is because it's not just what you plant that matters but also where you choose to place the different elements of your garden as well. 

In particular, planting in layers can help you achieve an attractive look that won't fade as the seasons turn. Something that means you wont need to spend time and energy on unnecessary maintenance and replanting. 

Sketch out your design

While you might not fancy yourself much of an artist, setting out your garden design before you go through with it can be very useful. In fact, once things are down on paper, it's much easier to see whether you have good seasonal coverage for every area in the garden. Something vital if you want to get the most out of your outdoor space all year round. 

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