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5 Reasons You Need A Utility Room

5 Reasons You Need A Utility Room

Many houses across the world right now are being built and land is being bought by developers to build even more houses. One thing that you'll find is now commonplace with newly-built homes is the need for a utility room - and it's no surprise at all. They're easy to build into a home and they make for an addition that adds value to the space, too. The thing is, most people face the fact that they want a bigger kitchen because they want space for laundry items, but it's a common dilemma that a utility room could provide way more space and function.

Unkown Source Via Pinterest (message me if you know)

Unkown Source Via Pinterest (message me if you know)

The kitchen is the heart of the home, but the utility room is a workspace - and you need both! A space to close the door on your laundry? That's a huge deal when you are in need of room for the laundry to be washed, dried and hung to become wrinkle-free. The utility room that you have in your home is going to give you more space to get those household chores done. So, below we've got five reasons to go ahead and get your home properly equipped.

Image Source: Pexels

  1. More Kitchen Space. When you add a utility room, you free up room in your kitchen - the laundry is moved elsewhere. A utility room will hold the machines, drying racks, cane or rattan laundry baskets that you choose, ironing boards and an iron. You can even move all of the laundry products for laundry into the cupboard space in the utility room. You can even move your freezer in there if you need to free up some space! Make your utility room as big as possible in your home and you'll have space for all of your laundry storage needs.

  2. Hiding The Chores. When the laundry pile builds up, you have no choice but to look at it when it's in the kitchen. The utility room allows you to close the door on the washing and while it'll still be there, it won't be in your face at all! It's the place you can store clutter, too, and this is going to be a big deal in looking after your washing.

  3. Convenience. If your kitchen is open plan, you can get rid of the washing in plain sight and you can also eliminate the noise of the machinery. Utility rooms are a very convenient place to keep all of the washing so that you don't have to worry about it!

  4. Practical. There are far more things to do every day than just the laundry, but we need a space in which to do it without feeling like you're doing chores. A utility room is a beautiful place to be able to do the washing, iron a stack of clothing and even feel calm in. Laundry and ironing are some of the chores that are so repetitive they're therapeutic after a while. It’s also a good place to test that your utilities are working correctly, from your heating to your water mains provisions by American Water, or even serves as a handy spot to place your household router.

  5. Storage. Utility rooms are the dedicated space that you need for all of your laundry essentials, including baskets and ironing boards, lesser-used kitchen appliances and more. You can even add open shelving to help you to get the most of your utility space and make it look neat and tidy at the same time.


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