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How To Make Sure Your Home Is A Healthy Space

How To Make Sure Your Home Is A Healthy Space

There is no denying that recently our health has been at the top of our list. Many of us have made changes to eating habits, lifestyle choices, and how much we move, but did you know that you can also help your health with changes in your home? Your home should be somewhere for you to stay safe and healthy. 

Let’s have a look below at some of the ways you can make your home safe and healthy: 

Make Sure It’s Dry 


You need to ensure your home is kept dry, meaning you need to tenure no water enters through leaks, roofing systems, blocked drainage, or plumbing. As part of your routine maintenance checks include a section to check your home for leaks. Clean your gutters and check your roof every spring/summer to ensure you protect yourself from future issues. If you notice any damp in your home it’s important to find out the source, treating it, and then protecting your home.

Make Sure It’s Clean 

No one can maintain a perfectly clean and tidy house at all times, however, it is possible to keep on top of it to so degree. You should make sure you control any sources of dust and other contaminants, leaving behind smooth easy to clean surfaces. If you reduce clutter it will make it easier to keep clean. A great way to ensure your bathroom and kitchen areas are easier to clean is to use a water softener to help prevent the build-up of limescale. 

You might want to think about using a professional carpet cleaning solution to get rid of the worst of the dirt. While a smart choice it can lead to issues. For instance, if you think there are spots on my carpet after having them cleaned then you’ll need to explore ways that you can prevent this from happening. 

Make Sure It’s Safe 

You should always make sure that any poisons, detergents, cleaning products, and medications are kept out of reach of children. You should also make sure you secure loose rugs on slipperyy surfaces and keep play areas from sharp or hard surfaces. You probably already have them installed, but if you don’t it should be the first thing you do, carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are life-saving so make sure you have them and they have working batteries. 

Make Sure It’s Well-Ventilated


It is essential for you to ventilate the kitchen and bathrooms and once in a while open all your windows so you can have fresh air running through the whole house. This helps to push out dust and other contaminants in the air. 

Make Sure It’s Pest Free 

All pests search for water, shelter, and food. So, your home could be the perfect source. Seal up any cracks and other openings throughout your home. Food needs to be stored in pest-resistant containers and use traps if you need to. 

Make Sure It’s Well-Maintained 

Last but not least, is the maintenance of your home. This is the best way to get off to the right start with making sure your home is healthy. You should inspect, clean, and repair your home regularly. Minor repairs need to be repaired as a priority before they become bigger problems. 

These six areas will help you to ensure your home is a healthy environment for you and your family. Do you have any other tips that could help? Please share them in the comments below. 

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