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5 Tips to Protect Your Home From Stormy Weather

5 Tips to Protect Your Home From Stormy Weather

Millions of homes across the United States are currently at substantial risk from storm damage. This is largely due to many homes being built on high-risk flood sites or in areas with a temperamental climate, but also a lack of sufficient knowledge and preparation amongst homeowners to mitigate the effects. Severe storm damage can wreck your house’s foundations, destroy your possession, and displace you from your home. And although certain insurance policies can protect you financially in the worst-case scenario, it will still disrupt your life and cause untold trauma to yourself and your family. You might be able to afford the resulting roof restoration but it won’t be a pleasant experience. The best thing to do is enforce preventative measures to ensure your home can withstand the brunt of a force of nature.

If you have stormy weather on the way, you probably want to know what you can do to prevent your home from succumbing to disaster. There are several steps you can take to do this, ranging from the minor to the extensive. And the options you choose will depend on the specific level of risk at hand, and the budget available to you. To get you started, here are five tips to protect your home from a storm.

Tidy up your garden

You might not think an unkempt backyard would make a difference in a storm but any loose debris can cause untold damage in high winds. Things like stray garden furniture, tools, and sports equipment could get picked up by a gale and hurled towards your walls and windows. If you know a storm is imminent, get outside a few days before and do some housekeeping.

Trim your trees

Old, poorly-maintained trees can do just as much damage if you’re not careful. A heavy storm can snap weak branches which could devastate your property and put your family in danger. Avoid this by inspecting your trees regularly and trimming any weak spots.

Install storm shutters

Most windows will not withstand the heaviest of storms but as a homeowner, you can increase their resistance with the addition of storm shutters. These will bolster the security of your glass panes and window frames, causing the driving wind and rain to pose less of a risk.

Improve drainage

Most of the damage from storms comes from floodwaters, and if wet conditions prevail in your home for long, you risk damage to your foundation, electrical system, and possessions. Improvising the drainage in and around your home will reduce the amount of water that floods in. You can achieve this by clearing your gutters and investing in foundation vents or a sump pump.

Flood proof your home

Although it may set you back financially, the most effective action you can take is to completely floodproof your home. These may involve landscaping the garden to make the water drain away, raising your home above the flood level, or making your foundation tighter with concrete. Despite the high cost of these solutions, in the event of a terrible storm, they will save you money in the long run.

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