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6 Luxury Qualities To Look Out For When Buying Your Next Home

6 Luxury Qualities To Look Out For When Buying Your Next Home

When buying a property, one of the first things you’ll be thinking about is what kind of features you’d like in your home such as a garage, double glazing and a large garden to relax in. However, there are other features you may consider looking for that will turn your new home into something rather special. You'll want to look for a property that will keep you and your family happy, since you'll most likely be staying in it for the coming years. Don't be afraid to be picky and wait before you find the right place with some or all of these features for you.

Air conditioning 

There’s nothing worse than being too hot in your own home. You want to open the windows to let fresh air in but at the same time want to keep dust, dirt and bugs out of your home. Looking for homes that have air conditioning already installed means you’ll be able to cool off in the summer heat in your new beautiful home.

Home office

If you’re someone that works from home, especially since the pandemic hit in early 2020, you’ll need to find an area to work without distractions. Properties that have the capability to become a home office, or an already built home office would be something to keep your eye out for when property hunting. Look at these Home Office Tips when looking around properties!

Security features

No matter what kind of neighbourhood you choose, there’s always a risk of break ins and burglaries. Looking for properties with security features already included will give you that peace of mind from day one. Look for features such as smart locks, security cameras, lockable gates and keyless entry.

Home bar

Having a bar at home is a great way to impress and entertain your guests, as well as having a unique and exciting feature in your home. If you’re someone that loves to entertain (and enjoys a tipple in the evenings) keeping your eyes peeled for a home bar might just be the perfect addition to your new home when searching for properties.

Solar panels

Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular in this day and age, and rightly so! The problem with solar panels is they are a large investment to begin with, and you may end up paying more for a property with solar panels. However, they dramatically reduce the amount of energy you use and eventually pay for themselves. Not to mention the amount of money you’ll save on your energy bills!

Smart home

Finally, the world is shifting quickly and many people already take advantage of a home that can do almost anything for them with a simple touch of a button. If you’re someone that’s short on time and needs automation in their lives, looking for a home with smart features such as a smart integrated dishwasher and controllable heating and lighting will suit your lifestyle perfectly.

These features aren’t by any means essential, but why shouldn’t you look for features you’ll enjoy and make life easier when house hunting?

5 Tips to Protect Your Home From Stormy Weather

5 Tips to Protect Your Home From Stormy Weather

The Roof Can Be Your Home's Main Attraction

The Roof Can Be Your Home's Main Attraction