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Dainty Bathroom Ideas That'll Leave Your Guests Speechless

Dainty Bathroom Ideas That'll Leave Your Guests Speechless

Creating a winning bathroom isn’t just good for you. It’s also a nice thing for your guests too. They want a space where they feel right at home immediately. Grime, horrible colors and mold in the shower cubicle are major turn offs. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of bathroom ideas out there that will leave a smile on your guests’ faces. What’s more, many of them are so simple to implement. 

Repurpose Old Furniture

If you have old furniture lying around, then repurposing it for the bathroom can really make a big difference. You simply upcycle it as you would normally, adding an extra layer of stain on the wood to prevent high moisture levels from damaging it. Adding a quirky item to the space, like an armoire or table can change how your bathroom feels and massively upgrade the character of the room. 

Build A Sink Into The Cupboard

The idea of putting a sink in a cupboard seems a little strange to those of us who grew up in homes with regular bathrooms. But there are no rules against it. In fact, it makes a lot of sense. Using a cupboard to hide your sink allows your bathroom to become more streamlined, and it keeps things like toothpaste, toothbrushes and mouthwash out of sight while you’re not using them. 

If you decide to build a sink into a cupboard, be sure to equip it with all the necessary lighting that you need. Adding an overhead lamp that automatically switches on when you open the cupboard door is advisable, allowing you and your guests to see what you’re doing. 

Mix Materials


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For many of us, the idea of mixing materials in the bathroom feels like a bit of a faux-pas. But if you want to give the space a designer look, then it’s the only way to go. 

There are all kinds of ways that you could mix materials and create the boho look of your dreams. These include: 

  • Adding a brightly-colored enamel tub

  • Putting metallic wall murals behind your sinks

  • Using wood elements on the floors and walls

  • Adding soft furnishings, such as cushions on a bench or a rug underneath a freestanding bath

Do Something That Adds Personality

Many recently-renovated bathrooms look stunning. But they also lack a certain sense of personality. There’s no quirkiness to get your teeth into. 

The trick here is to fill the space with objects that are uniquely you. So if you go to a design consultation, get them to flesh out the majority of the bathroom. Then, once they complete their plan, add little finishing touches that only you would consider, such as rose faucets or pink tiles on the wall behind the vanity. 

Make It More Cheerful

Perhaps your bathroom looks a little down in the dumps. If so, not to worry: there are plenty of ways of making it more cheerful. All it requires is creating the right associations. 

For instance, some people transform the mood of their bathrooms by adding sunshine yellow wherever possible. This color evokes fond memories of sunny days and outings to the beach - a great addition for the middle of winter. You can also try other things to warm the room, including hanging overhead lighting. 

Swap Out Your Old Hardware


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In many bathrooms, the decor is just fine. The problem is the hardware. Bathtubs from the 1960s are, in general, not particularly attractive.

Just swapping out your old toilet, bath and sink for newer, more stylish versions, can help make the entire room feel brand new. Adding classic shelving around the edge for soaps and shaving materials also highlights the furniture and reinvigorates the space. 

Add A Powder Room

Most people have a downstairs cloakroom for guests’ convenience when they come over for dinner parties. But there’s nothing quite like having your own powder room hidden under the stairs. 

Powder rooms and cloakrooms essentially offer the same benefits. But, for whatever reason, powder rooms feel different. They’re somehow more luxurious - a bygone relic of the past. 

Use All The Vertical Space

Okay, so you don’t have a huge amount of horizontal space in your bathroom: that’s pretty standard. Not to worry: you can always make use of the vertical space, even if you have a tiny room. 

There are all sorts of ways that you can do this. By far the most striking, however, is to line the walls with paintings all the way up to the ceiling. This way, you can celebrate the space for what it is and give it a certain character of its own. 

Put A Step Stool In Front Of The Sink

If you have kids coming over to your house (or somebody who is particularly short), then a step stool can come in handy. What’s more, these elements allow you to give your bathroom a vintage feel, and can be attractive centerpieces in themselves. If you have a newly-renovated bathroom, look for a neutral step stool that can blend in effortlessly. Go for full wood with enamel detailing if possible. Avoid plastic versions. 

Paint The Ceiling Something Other Than White

White ceilings are standard in bathrooms. And, for the most part, they work well. But the bathroom ceiling is an opportunity for experimentation. You don’t have to stick with white paint if something else would work better.
For instance, many homeowners are now covering their ceilings in mirrors. They’re also adding innovative, high-gloss cladding that reflects incoming light from the tiles and metal fixtures and fitting beneath. 

Add Wallpaper Instead Of Tiles

Adding wallpaper instead of tiles (or paint) instantly gives your bathroom a luxe appearance, something you can learn more about here. Rich patterns and striking designs bring a new lease of life to the room, showcasing it at its best. 

Spotlight Fresh Colors

Another strategy you can try to impress your guests is spotlighting fresh colors. Putting brightly-colored tiles behind a vanity and then lighting them with LEDs creates immediate impact and helps to keep the bathroom feeling bright and fresh. 

Enhance Privacy

Guests can sometimes worry about privacy when using your bathroom, so it can be nice to find attractive features that allow them to keep their modesty. Big, open plain glass windows are clearly a big no-no. 

One idea is to provide a sturdy, solid shower surrounded by its own opaque facade. This way, guests can protect their dignity with more than just a thin shower curtain. You can also add multiple screens in the bathroom if you have space for guests to get changed. And you could, perhaps, soften the space and add a contemporary feel by using sand-blasted tempered glass to scramble all outgoing light. 

Bring The Outdoors Into The Bathroom


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At root, what people want is the beauty of nature combined with the comforts of modern bathroom facilities. But blending the two can be a challenge.

Perhaps the best way to do it is to equip the bathroom with beautiful floor-to-ceiling mirrors and then add curtains that guests can draw when they want to get in the shower. You can also try things like adding pot plants to the room to increase the greenery inside to complement what guests can see through the window. 

Try Your Hand At Quirky Layouts

If you’re a little short on space, it can sometimes be a good idea to embrace quirky layouts, especially if you have a period home.  

For instance, if you have a wall in your property that converges on a narrow window, you might use this space for a sink and then arrange the rest of the bathroom around it. You can also take advantage of odd alcoves by using them for tubs. 

Make Your Cubbies A Centerpiece

Cubbies are wonderful additions, especially if you are having multiple guests to stay. Each person has a single space to put all their shower stuff and towels. 

External Storage

External storage is another feature that you can add instead of closed cabinets or vanities. Shelving can be attractive and is a great way to keep your bathroom space feeling open and welcoming. You can use shelving to display ornaments too, allowing it to double up as something beautiful as well as functional. 

Expose Natural Materials


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Some bathrooms can achieve a stylish look simply by exposing beautiful natural materials used to construct them. Standard brickwork is probably a no-no. But if your property has walls made of stone, that could create a beautiful backdrop.

Create A Gallery Wall

When using the bathroom, guests also like to have something that they can stare at to pass the time. Using the room as an art gallery, therefore, is a great direction to take things. You might place paintings above your shower or opposite the toilet. Just make sure that they can withstand a warm, humid environment. 

Swap Out Your Sink Mirror For A Painting

Guests don’t always want to stare at themselves while they wash their hands. So sometimes, it’s nice to forgo the sink mirror for a painting. This can look both stylish and haunting. 

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