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Make Your Guest Room Amazing So They Don't Want To Leave

Make Your Guest Room Amazing So They Don't Want To Leave

If you have ever been in the predicament when someone comes to stay and you make up the sofa for them, it can leave you feeling guilty. You might want to offer them the perfect place to rest their head. The good news is, you can. If you have a spare room in your home, why not make it a guest room so the sofa will be yours once again. Take a look below to find out how to create the perfect guest room. 


First of all, what does a guest room need? A bed of course, and it needs to be a comfy one. This is so your guests look forward to coming over and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. In order to get it just right, think about the type of mattress that you should invest in. Mattresses are something that you shouldn’t scrimp and save on, a decent mattress means the difference between a solid night's sleep and waking up with a backache. Of course, not everyone will like the same firmness, so it is better to go higher than lower on the scale. 


Color psychology is important when it comes to painting the walls of the guest room. You can also use wallpaper if you want to put in a bit more effort. Paint is much easier to work with as wallpaper has to match the previous piece put on if it is patterned. Your local hardware store will have everything you need to create the ultimate guest room within your home. Opt for lighter, welcoming colors for the walls. Pastel colors are great and the best option if you want your guests to sleep soundly in their new room.


Now it’s time to think about where they will store their belongings while they are staying at your house. If you place some storage in the guest room then they don’t have to bother anyone and they can get dressed in peace. A simple wardrobe or chest of drawers that match the decor and the bed will suffice. You can even get deals and bundles on bedroom furniture so this may be an option as well. Think about investing in a bedside table or two as well, these not only look great next to the bed but give your guests somewhere to put their items at night. 


If you have the space, think about creating an en-suite for your guest room. If not, make sure the guest room isn’t far from the bathroom. The last thing you both want is for your guests to be wandering around trying to find the bathroom at night. It can also be awkward for your guests if they have to walk the halls in a towel after their shower in the morning. A guest bathroom should have everything a normal bathroom has in it. Make it homely rather than just a bog-standard bathroom, add in some decals or pictures to make it welcoming. 

We hope this gives you some ideas and inspiration for creating an amazing guest room that will have your guests wanting to stay forever. 

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