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Redesigning Your Living Room

Redesigning Your Living Room

The living room is definitely one of the main spaces in the house. However, depending on its size and spacing, designing it to your liking may seem a little tricky. Designing a rectangular living room for example and remodel a large square living room will encounter different problems. So here are some tips and tricks to assist you with your quest! 

How to design a small living room? 

Image Via Homesnaway

Image Via Homesnaway

When it comes to a small living room, there are three elements to consider about how to design it. Light colors have a tendency to enlarge and illuminate the space, and are recommended for small spaces. Suitable furniture is the second element, for example a corner chaise longue sofa will definitely maximize the small area too. The third element is the accessories. Using decorative sculptures from a variety of raw materials, in small sizes, can give the stunning and personal touch to a smaller space. Metal art for the wall can also bring a little light without the space feeling suffocated. If it is a relatively small living room, it is very important not to overload it with too much furniture. Try to minimize the amount of decorative elements you have also. It should not be too cluttered.

How to design a large living room? 

When you have a large living room to design, you may think it’s easier, because it means maximum utilization of space. However, it takes a little extra work. You can first divide the living room into two spaces - a main seating area and a place for relaxing/watching TV. Another idea is to incorporate the dining area in the living room, in case it is a direct continuation to the kitchen area. One of the advantages of a large living room is that it can be designed with a number of elements. In a large living room, you can hang a piece of artwork on the main wall for a focal point. You can enhance any area of the room that you choose but with a larger space, you will need to play with lighting. You need to also look at sofas that are comfy and add to the aesthetic.   

Lighting and flooring 

Lighting design in the living room will be the finishing touch to your home. Before we get to choosing the right lighting fixtures it is important that we start by planning the location of the lighting based on the furniture plan and position of the house. Where do you want your lights? This will be important when you ask your electrician to place your plug sockets. Once you have positioned the furniture in the most accurate positions, you can use your lighting to illuminate or emphasize a specific element. You should position lighting behind the TV or the areas where you may want to read. 

You should also look at the importance of flooring. Whilst some people prefer clean wooden floors, others like cosy plush carpets. BOth of them have their advantages, however carpet will take a little extra maintenance. Spillages may stain the carpet permanently and harbour dust and dirt. However, hard wood floors also need maintenance and may feel less cozy than a carpet. It all comes down to personal preference. Of course, wooden floors can be spruced up with patterned rugs. Take a look at a warehouse to see many designs! 

Do I need a professional to help?

One of the most common mistakes people make when designing a home is overload.  They think that they have taken on too much at once. That is why there are many professionals or professional websites and apps that can help you. If you have the budget, you could contact an interior designer to help you. 

There are some very prominent styles, when we talk about home design in general and living room design in particular, design like rustic design, modern, retro design etc. The worst thing that can be done in our living room is to use several different styles that have no design connection. It can look messy and unfashionable. So whilst design is a subjective matter of personal taste, it also is important to consider if you want to sell your home. If you have a wacky taste, then it may be best to redecorate your home if you want to sell. It may lower its value if it doesn’t align with the majority of buyers. Therefore, if you choose a modern route, then a blank canvas (white walls) will always be preferable. 

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