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4 Things Everyone Must Do After Storm Damage

4 Things Everyone Must Do After Storm Damage

You can do everything possible to make your home peaceful, calming, and stylish, but one Act of God can undo all of your hard work. In particular, storm damage is one of the biggest problems many homes face no matter where they are situated. Even the mildest storms (by comparison) can affect your property and the surrounding area, which is why it’s important to know what to do after a storm occurs. 

Check Your Exterior 

It’s no secret that storms affect the exterior of homes much more than the inside. Some of this damage is noticeable, especially if shingles have been torn from the roof or errant debris has shattered your windows. 

But, some issues are less noticeable, especially around your roof. Once it is safe to do so, inspect your home’s exterior to identify any problems that could cause lasting damage to your home. Your roof is arguably the most important factor. So, if you notice any gaps or severe damage, companies like San Diego County Roofing, Inc can offer professional inspecting and repair services to make it as good as new. 

Look for Floods and Leaks 

You shouldn’t only search outside your home, though. There is the chance that rainwater or even flood water could have penetrated your home, while intense storms could have broken pipes that are causing a running but unseen leak. 

You’ll need to go through every level of your home from basement to attic to search for issues that could cause even more damage if they are not solved. Look for wet spots on the wall and listen for running water where there shouldn’t be. 

Contact Your Insurance Company 

Hopefully, you have invested in home insurance to protect yourself and your assets from problems such as this. Regardless of the scope of the damage, you should still get in touch with your insurance company so they are aware that your home was involved in the storm. 

It’s also worth taking photographs to collect evidence, as insurance companies may request that you provide pictures of the damage so they can assess how much you can claim. Without these pictures, you may not be able to enjoy the benefits of your insurance policy. 

Image Via Cedar and Suede

Take Protective Measures for the Future 

Even if you had installed storm protection previously, it is worth upgrading this to prevent further damage in the future. This is usually required if the storm has damaged this protection, making it ineffective should a similar thing happen again. 

There are many ways to protect your home from future storms, including upgrading the storm shutters or repairing gaps or otherwise damaged parts of the property. You should never expect your home to be safe, so these measures will give you the peace of mind you need. 

After The Storm 

Storms of all kinds can be scary, but as long as you and your family remain safely inside during the worst parts, you can think about how you will overcome any damage that has been caused. Furthermore, learn how to prevent this same damage from happening again to keep your home in top condition. 

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