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Bungalow Maintenance: Top Tips

Bungalow Maintenance: Top Tips

Bungalows are an extremely popular choice of home - and for good reason. Long gone are the days that this type of housing was solely reserved for the elderly. Sure, many elderly individuals love to live in bungalows, thanks to the lack of stairs and easier accessibility options. But others are benefiting from this unique, one-floor home design too. Disabled individuals, people with mobility issues or individuals with visitors find bungalows easier to get around too. Those with young children find that lacking stairs prevents accidents. Many bungalows also have more open concept design, which is aesthetically appealing and ideal for those who like large, open spaces. They are simple to maintain. They have great resale value. The list goes on. If you’re considering investing in a bungalow, or have recently moved into one, here are a few top tips that will help you to maintain your bungalow to the best standard possible.

Check Smoke Detectors

Check smoke detectors and other alarms frequently. When you live in a bungalow, they tend to be more easily accessible, as ceilings tend to be lower and you don’t need to worry about alarms placed at the top of staircases or other hard-to-reach places. If you can’t reach yourself, you can always ask your local fire department to help.

Prevent Mold

Bungalows are often smaller living spaces, and though many are more open plan, there is always still a risk of mold developing if the environment isn’t well ventilated. Make sure to minimise humidity in your home, keeping it below 50%. You can open windows and use a dehumidifier to help with this. You can also turn on exhaust fans when cooking in the kitchen or drying clothing indoors. This will allow water droplets in the air to escape your home.

Check Roofing

Bungalow roofs are lower than the roofs of homes with multiple floors. This gives you the advantage of being able to inspect them more easily yourself. Using a pair of binoculars, you can generally take a good look over your living space’s roof without having to climb, use ladders or engage in other risky behaviour. Be aware that every roof, bungalow or not, is prone to damage. Whether that’s from falling debris, animal nesting or the wind blowing hard hail or other items towards the roof. This is part and parcel of the protection it provides. But it does mean that you have to have professional repairs carried out when you do spot damage. You may also want to consider changing the type of roofing on your bungalow, whether that’s switching to thatch for a more traditional look or looking into a metal roof cost to help with temperature control.

Prevent Pests

You don’t want pests entering your bungalow. Ground floor access can increase the chances of this, so make sure to carry out pest prevention. Make sure all food is properly sealed and put away. Clean up crumbs. Install guards or nets near windows to prevent larger insects from entering.

Jump on leaks quickly

If the aforementioned mold problems are caused by a leak or you’ve noticed any dampness spreading across the walls, floors, or ceilings, then you have to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. Even a small leak can cause thousands in property damage if left alone, and plumbing services can cost a lot less to get to the source and seal it. Usually, it might be a single fixture that needs a repair, but if you need to replace some piping, then it’s better to do it ASAP before the damage spreads.

These are just a few general tips, but each can really help you to maintain your bungalow to a high level!

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