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Great Ways To Power Your Home With Renewable Energy

Great Ways To Power Your Home With Renewable Energy

Using renewable energy in your home can be beneficial for many reasons. First, it has a low environmental impact, making it eco-friendly. While it may be more costly to purchase initially, you can save money by avoiding energy bills. Moreover, it requires little maintenance and causes less waste. Since fossil fuels can contaminate the air and water, replacing them with renewable energy will help you avoid this. So are you planning to switch to renewable energy? If yes, here are great ways to power your home in an eco-friendly manner. 

Solar power 

Research indicates that solar contributes 50% of the new electricity-generating capacity in the US. The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office also state that solar power is more prevalent, accessible, and affordable. Indeed, solar energy is popular among homeowners for many reasons. The sun is arguably the most reliable source of renewable energy. Therefore, installing solar photovoltaic panels can harness the sun's rays and convert them to electricity to power your home. Moreover, they can still function during daylight hours if it isn't sunny, although they can generate more power if the sun is out. Extra power can also be saved for future use, so keep this in mind. 

Experts advise installing solar panels on your roof for the best results. However, you need to consider your roof's strength, space, and angle for a more informed decision. You can install them on the ground, garage or shed awning, or a wall facing south. Working with residential solar providers is also essential to get the best value for your money, so feel free to consider this. Did you know that you can utilize solar power to heat or cool your home? You can discuss it with your solar providers to determine how it works. 


You may want to consider investing in hydropower if you live close to a water body like rivers or lakes. It is cost-effective, as it provides cheaper electricity and can last longer. It's even more sustainable, as water keeps flowing, irrespective of weather changes. So, you won't worry about the interrupted power supply. It's a very eco-friendly option as you can cut your home's carbon footprint. Familiarizing yourself with the needed rights and permits to utilize hydropower is important. Grid-connected and stand-alone hydropower supplies require different permits, so keep this in mind. 

Hydropower is site-specific, so be sure that your property can support it. Hydropower works by channeling water streams through a turbine to generate electricity. A water source flowing downhill has more potential to generate electricity, depending on how high it is. Most homes can't benefit from hydropower if their water source is leveled. You also need to invest in a hydropower generator and professional installers for the best results. 

Wind turbine 

It's not uncommon for people to think about giant poles with massive blades when wind turbines are mentioned. However, residential wind turbines are available on the market and are great renewable energy generators. While it may seem costly to acquire initially, you would save more on utility bills. Despite these benefits, it's important to consider certain factors before installing a wind turbine. As the name implies, wind turbines are powered by wind and should be used in windy areas. Therefore, you may be wasting resources if your neighborhood doesn't have enough wind. Although modern options aren't noisy, they still produce noise levels that you may find distracting. This makes it essential to have enough space to install them. 

You also want to understand your local area's zoning laws to make an informed decision. Some laws demand that wind turbines not exceed 500 feet or less than 25 feet. Some can also be installed on the roof, so keep this in mind. You also want to avoid installing a wind turbine if your area is prone to tornadoes, as wind speeds can remove it and endanger lives. 


Waste is constantly generated, with most ending up in landfills. So why not help the environment by converting waste into a fully functional heating system? Biomass comes from organic waste products like manure, scrap lumber, agricultural wastes, and general debris. Not only is it carbon-neutral, but it is also more affordable than fossil fuels. However, you need space to install a biomass system, so keep this in mind. You also want to familiarize yourself with the permits needed to own a biomass system to avoid run-ins with the law. 

Powering your home with green energy can be cost-effective and eco-friendly. Hopefully, you'll consider these green energy options for the best results. 

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