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How To Create The Perfect Zen Garden

How To Create The Perfect Zen Garden

A zen garden can be an amazing addition to your home, providing you with the perfect place to relax and unwind after the stress of the day. Fortunately it doesn’t have to be a difficult task to create the most amazing zen garden, as this guide contains some of the most effective tips and ideas that you can take on board to ensure your backyard can achieve a total transformation in no time at all. So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then simply read on! 

Grow Your Own Fruit, Vegetables and Herbs 

One of the best additions to any zen garden is a vegetable patch, as the act of growing fruit, vegetables and herbs in your own backyard is certainly a very rewarding and therapeutic experience to say the very least. There are so many easy species that you can start to grow without the need for any special skills of equipment, and you don’t even need to have fertile ground when you can take the opportunity to plant in pots instead. Taking the time to create your own vegetable patch can make your garden seem far more natural and purposeful, and it will provide you with a countless list of tasks to complete each day that will encourage you to spend more time outdoors. Growing your own fruit, vegetables and herbs can help you in a number of ways, so it’s clear to see why a vegetable patch can be such a brilliant addition for your new zen garden. 

A Place For Relaxation & Contemplation 

No zen garden would be complete without a place for relaxation and contemplation, as this is essentially the main purpose of a zen garden. Fortunately there are so many ideas that you can incorporate in your new backyard design to promote calmness, starting off with a water feature. Fountain installation is much more affordable than you might imagine, and having an ornate water feature that is both aesthetically pleasing and provides a meditative sound from its trickling water will take your zen garden to a whole new level. You can also choose to add some comfy furniture that you can fall back into after a long day at the office, as swinging gently in a hammock or being totally enveloped by an outdoor beanbag will provide the perfect place for you to unwind. It can be a good idea to try and make this space a little more private, especially if you have eagle eyed neighbors that tend to look over your fence. You can use outdoor dividers to create protective walls around your beanbags to offer privacy, or even install a pagoda over your water feature so that you can be out of the way of prying eyes and also gain the benefit of accessing your zen garden even when it is raining. 

Creating the perfect zen garden has never been such a simple task when you can take the opportunity to make the most of these handy hacks! 

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