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5 of the Most Common Roof Leakage Causes

5 of the Most Common Roof Leakage Causes

No matter how large or small, your home is, it can be susceptible to leaks just like any other building structure. You will have to deal with a leaky roof when you’re a homeowner.  However, there are ways to minimize this risk by understanding what typically causes problems with your roof so that you can prepare for anything that might arise. Here are five common causes of leaking roofs that need to be addressed by a professional to prevent further damage and costly repairs down the road. 

1. Shingles

Shingle roofs are popular because they are easy to install and maintain and can last for decades without needing any repairs. Unfortunately, shingles can also be one of the most common causes of roof leaks.

Shingles are made from asphalt, which means they will eventually degrade over time due to exposure to rain and sunlight. As the material ages and breaks down, it can form cracks that allow water to seep into your home's interior walls and insulation. This can lead to mold growth and structural damage if left unchecked.

If you notice signs of dry rot near your home's entranceways or other likely areas for water infiltration, it's important to get them fixed right away, with the help of an emergency roofing service, before more serious problems start developing. 

2. Leaky Lighting

The second most common cause of roof leakage is a leaky lighting fixture. This can happen if the light fixture is old, but it can also happen when you accidentally drop one or knock it off your roof during maintenance.

If you notice a leak in your ceiling and suspect that it's from a light fixture, remove the fixture and clean it thoroughly with soap and water. If that doesn't work, check the wiring for signs of corrosion or wear. Finally, if neither step works, call a professional to fix the problem, then call someone in to look at your roof.

3. Chimneys

Chimneys are another one of the most common reasons behind a leaking roof that you might come across as a homeowner. This is because chimneys are often located on the top of your house, so water can easily drip down onto your roof. When this happens, it can cause damage to your roof and other parts of your home.

If you notice leaks in your roof, it's important to get them fixed as soon as possible so that you don't have more serious problems later on.

4. Leaks from Structural Issues

Leaks from structural issues are one of the most common reasons behind a leaking roof that you might come across as a homeowner. This is because, over time, roofs can become damaged due to exposure to weather and other outside forces. 

The most common type of damage that occurs on roofs is caused by wind damage. When strong winds blow against your house, they can cause cracks in your roofing materials, allowing water to seep through. Another type of damage that causes leaks is hail damage. Hail has been known to break through the surface of your roofing material and cause small holes that leak water into your home.

5. Improper Ventilation Inside Your Attic

Improper ventilation inside your attic is one of the most common reasons behind a leaking roof that you might come across as a homeowner. This is because water vapor can build up in your attic, leading to moisture buildup and mold growth. This, in turn, can cause roof damage over time.

To prevent this, it's critical to ensure you have proper ventilation in place. Make sure any vents are open so they don't get blocked by debris or other obstructions. You should also ensure no holes or gaps between the insulation boards or panels in your attic, as these could allow water vapor or moisture to leak through them.

Finally, keep an eye out for leaks around pipes and ducts that lead into or out of your house. If you notice any leaks near these areas, then getting this fixed is your best option. 

In The End

With any luck, you’ve identified the cause of your leak and are on your way to stopping it. If not, don’t panic. You can take many steps to keep your roof in top shape, including having a professional inspect it for damage.

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