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How to Make Time for Self Care as a Busy Mom

How to Make Time for Self Care as a Busy Mom

If you're a mom you know firsthand how crazy life can get. Between trying to keep the kids fed, dressed and preventing them from occasionally harming each other, it's hard to find time for yourself. 

It's even harder if you also run a business. You can feel as if you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Things can get heavy very quickly. 

However, over time if you don't take the time to take care of yourself you will be of no use to anyone including yourself. Here are some self-care tips you can use to make sure that taking care of yourself doesn't slide through the cracks.

Girls Night

Great relationships are the backbone of a great life. If you find that you are having less communication with your friends, it's a good idea to schedule time for them. 

Go out of town and enjoy a kid-free night. Get your spouse to take over the reins fully or higher with someone to do it for you. 

Paint the town with just about any color you want and enjoy yourself.

Bubble Up

It's no secret that bubble baths can take you into another world. They are amazing for transporting you into what seems to be another realm. Fill up your bath with your favorite scent and relax in it. You can get products from a CBDistillery to use in your bath or tea to help you relax as well.

If you have a Jacuzzi it is even better. You can feel luxurious, warmth as waves wash over you. It's a great way to pamper yourself and remind yourself that you are special.

Get Organized

For a lot of moms' organization can seem to be something that is laughing at them in the distance. The chaos can seem to be unending and you are probably just trying to get through the day

However, you have to fight to keep organized and put the chaos to rest. Try using apps to get organized. The traditional way is to get a planner to write down all the little finer details of your life. 

Many have found that the finer details of their life are so plentiful and that it is better to journal electronically. When you do this you will have unlimited space that you can chase away the chaos and write down every single thing that needs to be done.

As a busy mom, organization is self-care.

Express Yourself 

Self-expression is vital for every human being. If you feel as if you have things bottled up inside you that you need to let out, it's possible that you need an outlet for it. 

Many people find great comfort in journaling and others find comfort in taking up creative pursuits such as painting or pottery. As a mom you need to find how you can best express yourself when you can. You have to try to let the creative juices flow as much as possible.

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