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Avoid These Common Decluttering Mistakes

Avoid These Common Decluttering Mistakes

Decluttering your home is one of the best ways to make more space and transform the place without having to spend lots of money. 

Homes that are less cluttered instantly appear much more attractive, and in better condition than those that are bursting over with unnecessary stuff. So, if you have a lot of things and you want to change that, it could be time to undertake your very own decluttering challenge. 

If you do decide to go ahead and get rid of the excess, here are some common decluttering mistakes you’re going to want to avoid: By the way I am guilty of most of these, so I am trying to implement my rules to declutter my own home.

Trying to do it all at once

If you try to declutter the entire contents of your home in one single weekend, you’re sure to fail...well unless you already have a pretty minimalist home as it is. It’s taken you a lifetime to collect your clutter, and although it won’t take you quite that long to get rid of it, you can’t expect miracles. So, choose one room to declutter at a time, focus on that, and repeat until it’s all done.

Not thinking about disposal

Hopefully, you’ll be able to recycle or donate a lot of the stuff you no longer require in your home, but chances are you’ll have to throw away a lot of things too. That’s where cheap bin hire comes in. Hiring a large bin that you can simply throw all of your unwanted sins of decor past as you declutter, and have it collected and disposed of by a third party at your convenience, is a great way to make the whole process simpler. 

Don’t fall into the organizing trap

A lot of people (myself included) , when they attempt to declutter their home, dso an awful lot of moving stuff around trying to organize it and very little actual decluttering. This is madness because not only will you get rid of the stuff you really need to, but it’s also far easier to organize your things once you’ve gotten rid of a few of them!

Buying storage

Okay, so buying storage for your home is no bad thing - it’s a great way to keep the place organized and tidy - but if you buy your storage solutions before you declutter, chances are you’ll get it wrong. We bought a storage unit and are very intentional with what we put in there. Most people simply do not realize how much unnecessary clutter they have, so they tend to go overboard with storage, when actually, once the deed is done, they’ll need very few of those cute storage bins or beautiful bookshelves.

Letting emotions rule you

Perhaps the most common mistake declutterers make is letting their emotions rule their decisions, If you get sentimental about every scrap of paper, every ugly knick-knack, you’ll never throw anything away and it will show in your home. Obviously, you don’t need to get rid of everything that means something to you, but you do need to be a little ruthless if you want to be successful. It’s often a good idea to take pictures of your sentimental stuff so you can still look at them than it is to actually physically keep them.

I wish you well on your decluttering journey!

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