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Common Cleaning Mistakes People Make At Home

Common Cleaning Mistakes People Make At Home

Cleaning your home is a chore that is not always enjoyed by everyone. While it can be time-consuming and boring, it is extremely beneficial to your home, your health, and your quality of life. Cleaning your home regularly will rid your living space of germs and allergens. This will help avoid spreading germs, exacerbating allergies, and any other breathing problems because a build-up of dust and dirt promotes illnesses. 

Your home is something that you want to feel good and well relaxed in. If it is messy and dirty, it is going to hinder your mental health and keep you feeling stressed and frustrated. It will also begin to devalue your property, and even have a negative consequence on its safety. This is because it can lead to severe problems such as an unpleasant must smell, and black mold that can stain your home and begin to eat away at its foundations. Keeping your home clean and tidy is therefore vital for you and your family. 

Unfortunately, there are many mistakes that people make when cleaning their homes. Sometimes certain areas are neglected, or it could be that inefficient techniques are used. It is a tough chore to complete, regardless of what size home you have. Fortunately, you can learn from these mistakes and ensure that you clean properly and more efficiently. This way you can guarantee a cleaner home for longer. 

If you want to learn more, here are some of the most common cleaning mistakes people make at home and how to avoid them. 

#1 Feather dusters

While feather dusters have been marketed to you for years on television, they can cause more harm than good. A feather duster does make it quick and easy to dust your home, but instead of getting rid of the dust, it only spreads the dust from one surface to another. This is mainly because of the quality of the feathers. Nowadays, the quality is much lower than before, so they can market them cheap and produce a higher quantity. 

To avoid this mistake, and make your home cleaner and free of dust, you should try a microfibre cloth. This will work wonders all over your home and is a much more effective way to clear out the dust. It is also much safer than using a toxic, chemical-based spray around your home. This is because microfibre cloths are made with specific technology so they can be used alone. They are charged positively, which will attract the dust like a magnet, because dust is negatively charged. 

#2 Neglecting touch points

Many people will have the basics on their cleaning to-do list, such as dusting the shelves and hoovering the floor. While this is good practice, this general approach neglects some of the dirtiest parts of your home. When you take a moment to review your family's actions around the house, you will notice that they are constantly touching the door handles, light switches, taps, walls, side of the sofa, remote controls, cupboard handles, and much more. These all touch points around your home. Not everyone is going to wash their hands before completing one task, and then moving to another, which makes these touch points the dirtiest points in your home. You must add touch points to your general cleaning list, so that regularly, you use anti-bacterial solutions or wipes, to clean them and free them from any germs.

#3 Small crevices

All homes have small crevices, corners, and holes that you just can’t ordinarily reach, or perhaps you don’t even think about or realize they exist. There are some obvious ones, such as down the side of the sofa and your keyboard, but there are also some that you can’t see, such as gaps in the floorboards. When these are not cleaned, they will build up with dirt, dust, and crumbs over time. 

You must review your home to see where all the gaps and crevices are, so you can add them to your list. You may need to find creative ways to access the dirt inside them and clean them out. For example, you might need to invest in smaller hoover extensions, or use a pipe cleaner and antibacterial solution. 

#4 Not cleaning your upholstery 

When was the last time you cleaned your sofa? 

Upholstery cleaning is often neglected unless there is an obvious reason to clean it, such as spilling a drink on it. However, without cleaning your upholstery, it can get very dirty, very quickly. When you think about it, you use your sofa all the time. You might use it in the morning to enjoy your coffee and read the newspaper. You might eat your dinner on the sofa after a long day at work and stay there for a few hours watching your favorite series on Netflix. On the weekend your kids have their friends over for lunch, and in the evening you have your friends over for a game night and a few drinks. All this contact with your upholstery is adding to the germs that build up on it, in addition to all the dust. Not only is it dirty, but it can also lead to a musty smell if it is left too long. 

It is therefore important that you invest in upholstery cleaning. This will extend the lifespan of your furniture by keeping it in good shape, minimizing odors around your home, making the air quality fresher, minimizing damage to your furniture, and keeping your home free from dirt and allergens. 

While it can seem like cleaning your home is a never ending to do list, it is important that you tackle it head on. To help, you should review your home and create a cleaning to do list. This will simplify the process for you, help you work more efficiently, and ensure you clean everything that you need to. 

Cleaning your home can be stressful and time-consuming, especially if your process is riddled with mistakes. Follow these top tips to avoid frustrating mistakes, make your cleaning more efficient, and provide your family with a nice and clean home to live in. A clean home means a healthier family, a higher quality property, a reduction in allergens and illnesses and higher satisfaction. 

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