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Top Tips For Keeping A Tidy Home

Top Tips For Keeping A Tidy Home

This year, many of us found ourselves spending more time at home than ever. This unexpected new facet to our lifestyles led - in many cases - to a messy home. 

The irony is, with everyone home, this is the time when a tidy home is needed most. Working from home is always easier in a tidy house. Tidy house, tidy mind, as they say. 

But with more people in the house than ever - for more time than ever! - the clutter can seem to pile up. The job can seem insurmountable. But there are a few tips and tricks for keeping a tidy home that can really help.


Adjusting to new work habits was difficult for everyone, but the resounding tip seemed to be: get into a work routine. If you know that you start working from home at nine, and always stop at five, then you can continue to have a work-life balance. 


Image credit: PXHERE. 

The same can be true for tidying. If you set up a routine of when to tidy, where to tidy, and for how long, the likelihood of a tidy home is much higher. If you set aside an hour on Mondays and Fridays - one for the upstairs, one for the downstairs - you know you’ll have, at the very least, two days of a tidy home. 

Change Your Habits

When you next have a spare moment, pay attention to the habits of the people in your home. Does your partner come home from work and chuck their coat over the sofa? Do your kids leave their shoes randomly in the hallway?

These small habits can lead to regular messiness that later requires tidying. A great preventative measure for a tidy house is to change the habits you have that create a mess. 


Image credit: PXFUEL. 

Sometimes changing habits can be as simple as pointing them out, and making a conscious decision to change your behaviour. More often than that, though, people need a little help. They are habits for a reason! 

Help can come in buying physical indicators to help habits change - maybe a shoe rack in the hallway will remind your kids to put their shoes away. Or, a good old fashioned reward system until your bad habits change to good habits. 


Sometimes, in the process of a deep tidy, you realise you just have too much stuff. It’s important at this stage to have a good look at what you could throw out, and what you want to keep. If, after this process, you find you still have too much stuff? Well, storage is the way forward. 


Image credit: Pikrepo. 

You can get more storage in your home - look into shelving or furniture with storage built-in - but it can be smarter to use self storage. Self-storage is useful as it physically takes your excess out of the home, and stores it elsewhere. All those items you treasure greatly but don’t need on a daily basis? Put them into self-storage. 

A tidy house can completely change your mindset while at home. But a clean house? A clean house has untold benefits. Deep cleaning is a big process but can have great rewards. Why not give it a try?

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