Saving Time On Your Weekend Home Tidy
Every time the weekend rolls around, you might feel excited that you’ve got some time at home to spend with the family, or you may approach it with a groan, simply because you’ve got so many errands to run and chores to complete! There’s a lot to do to keep your home tidy, especially when you’ve got small children to take care of, and the task always daunts you a little.
However, you don’t have to spend hours cleaning up your home at the weekend. You can save quite a few minutes on each and every job you need to do, simply by being smart about the way you do them. So, with that in mind, let’s go through some of the best time saving points below.
Tidy Up, Tidy Down
If you’re going to save time when cleaning, you definitely need to start at the top, and then work your way down. Not only should you start with the top floor of your house, but you should start at the top of the walls as well, and then make your way down.
Start with dusting the ceiling, then the shelves, then standing cabinets, and then the floor. That way you won’t be cleaning up dust and debris twice, and you’ll be able to do an effective sweep of your whole property in one go. Many people also prefer using residential cleaning services to save time and effort. In addition, the service providers clean your home with professional cleaning tools, so you get a tidy home without wasting your weekend.
Know When Things Need Cleaning
Image VIa Icecreamandneondreams
Some things in your home only need cleaning every now and then. For example, taking your curtains down and washing them, or removing your blinds and wiping them down. Similarly, your wardrobe doesn’t need cleaning out and arranging every single weekend! Save a job like this for a couple of months time, and use the help of a virtual personal stylist to make sure you don’t have to do it again for another year or so.
All in all, save time by working out and focusing on the weekly jobs alone, and give yourself a break! And if you’re worried that you’ve missed something off of the cleaning list, think about what kind of chore it is - could it wait until next weekend, or the weekend after, simply because it’s not a pressing job? Probably!
Take Preventative Action
And finally, if you want your weekend chores to take less and less time, do quite a few of them in advance! Make sure all washing is in one laundry basket, make sure you wash the dishes each and every night, make sure you take that dirty cup off the coffee table (and don't leave any rubbish there either), etc.
If you just tidy as you go, and instill this same principle in your family members as well to ensure they do their bit too, you can finish your weekend tidy up in under an hour. Most things are already done!
If you’re sick of spending the whole weekend tidying up your home, you’ve just got to make some simple changes to save yourself a few hours here.