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Out of Sight Out of Mind

Out of Sight Out of Mind

Owning a home is a bit like owning a living and breathing organism. Over the years things shift, settle and change and our homes require near-constant maintenance to keep them in good condition. It can be easy to focus on the interior design, those little corner details and the things right in front of our eyes, but behind the aesthetic facade lies a complex network of pipes, electrical cables, and supports that need periodic TLC too. So here are 4 areas of your home that, although out of sight, should not spend too long out of mind. 

  1. Your Plumbing

Image Via The Trending House

Every time you flush a toilet, run a tap or put on a load of washing, your plumbing works hard to remove wastewater and to provide you with clean, fresh water. 99% of the time our plumbing does its job perfectly, and it’s not often until we experience a leak or flood that we take notice of its condition. Plumbing, just like any other part of your home, can deteriorate with age, connections can come loose, pipes can become blocked and all in all, this leads to the inevitable. To stop you from having to undergo the hassle of a water leak or flooded home, check up on your plumbing periodically, use drain cleaners to remove any build-up of food, limescale or debris and check any visible plumbing for signs of age. If you do fall victim to a leak or flood then you can find out what you may need to replace in this article -  What Needs to Be Replaced After Water Damage?

2. Your Electrics

Image Via Home Decor Designs

Just like your plumbing, your electrics are another component of your home that often gets neglected until something goes wrong, however, with electrics an error can be fatal. If you have purchased an old home, it’s always best to have your wiring checked by a qualified electrician to make sure that everything is safe before you move in. Over the years the plastic coating of wires can be chewed through by pests or can rub against each other eventually wearing away, this reveals the live part of the wire below which can cause a dangerous electric shock. 

3. Your roof 

Image Via FullFit Wear

Image Via FullFit Wear

It can be hard to judge the condition of your roof from the ground which is why it is often recommended to have someone inspect your roof and to clear it of moss and other debris every 2 years or so. A roof inspection will be able to reveal any loose tiles that may need to be replaced and a clean will ensure that your gutters stay clear of moss, twigs, and debris that can cause blockages during heavy rainfall. 

4. Your windows 

Another area of your home that you may have forgotten to check up on is your windows. Over the years the seals on windows can perish, letting in droughts that can push up your heating bills. If you haven’t checked on them recently, run your hands around the edges of your windows to feel for any draft air coming in, and if you find that the seals seem to have gone, then call out a window expert who will be able to advise you on a repair or replacement. 

5. Your moldy areas

While you may think you spend a lot of time keeping the home clean, there will be places that you don’t have the time to clean, and over time, mold, dust and unpleasantness will fester. A prime location for this is, believe it or not, the kitchen. While it is a little thing in comparison to most concerns around the home, if you only use a handful of kitchen items and the rest linger at the back of the cabinet, they could become unusable, especially if they are at the back of a cabinet and are up against a wall where air can’t get in or there’s lots of moisture. But most kitchen cabinetry companies can help you to restructure your kitchen so you can make the most of the space but also minimize moldy areas. It’s never pleasant, but if you can’t restructure your kitchen you can still thoroughly clean your items regularly and make sure you have a steam cleaner or solid cleaning solution ready.  

Have a wonderful day!



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