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How to Create the Garage of Your Dreams

How to Create the Garage of Your Dreams

A garage is one of the most underused and underappreciated spaces in the home. Look at any garage in the country, and most of the time, you will see a messy storage space with mounds of junk, dirty concrete floors, and cobwebs all over the ceiling. There is often no space to even park a car.

With all that square footage to play with, why would you let your garage just become a glorified storage space for your old and unused items? With work, it could be anything you want it to be. Whether it's a workshop, a hang-out area, or a game room, the possibilities are endless. We converted ours into a playroom for the kids and it has been awesome having a designated space for all their toys!

Don't let your garage fall into disuse and disrepair. By following the steps below, you can maximize your space and turn it into anything you want.


Of course, the primary use of a garage is storage, but this doesn't mean you have to let your heaps of stuff get in the way of your plans. Implementing more efficient storage solutions can give you the best of both worlds, allowing you to keep rarely-used possessions out of the way while creating space for your personal projects. First, start by carving out some time to have a massive declutter. Throw out any unused and broken items, and be ruthless with your decisions. If you haven't used it in years, you probably won't miss it. 

When moving onto storage, you want to invest in solutions that give you the most floor space possible. Vertical storage, such as racks and shelves, is the way to go. Keep frequently-used items like power tools close to hand while storing seldom-needed belongings high up and out of the way. This frees you up to do whatever you want with the rest of the room.

Change the flooring

Most garages come with the standard dusty concrete floor, which doesn't really create an atmosphere you want to spend a lot of time in. Changing up the flooring can completely transform a characterless garage into a more pleasant environment that can be viewed as an extension of your home. The flooring material and style you use will depend on what you want from a garage, as well as the amount of messy manual labor you are going to be carrying out. Maintaining garage flooring to ensure it stays clean and intact should be a major consideration.

Brighten up the space

Garages, as a rule, seem to be dark and gloomy places with a single lightbulb dangling from the ceiling. Lighting up the space, either by adding bright lights or allowing more natural light to flow into the room, will revitalize your garage. If your budget doesn't allow for this, you could even play with illusory techniques to make it seem brighter. Painting with bright colors or adding mirrors and glass surfaces can bounce light around the room and create a more positive ambiance.

Add extras

Once these major changes are done, your garage is ready for you to do with it as you will. Add in a pool table, a bar, some comfy furniture, or some tasteful artwork. This is the time for you to imprint your personal style and personality upon the beautiful space you have created. How are you going to elevate your garage?

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