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7 Things To Do Once You're In Your New Home

7 Things To Do Once You're In Your New Home

You've purchased a new home! The contracts have been exchanged, the money has been paid, and you've got the keys. Nerves and excitement begin to kick in as you anticipate spending your first night in your new place. As the movers make their way to your property, you're not far away from the house, where the next few hours will entail a lot of your time organizing boxes and furniture around your abode. And while the movers do the heavy lifting it gives you time to do the following;

Clean your home

One way to make your new home your own is by cleaning it to your standard. Open the windows, and use your go-to cleaning products to make your home sparkle. However, be mindful not to get in the way of the movers. And try to spruce up the rooms they're not occupying straight away.

Window Treatments

To add privacy to your home, you'll want to begin measuring and installing the curtains and roller blinds you've bought with you. Adding new window treatments is another step that will instantly help you make your home your own. 

Light Fittings

Light shades are the easiest light fitting to put up in your new home. If you have light fittings that need to be earthed and attached to the ceiling's wiring, you may want to call a trained electrician to do this for you.

Refresh with a Repaint

A cheap and easy way to put your stamp on your home and make an impact on its appearance is by painting. If you can do this before the movers arrive at the property, even better. If you're undecided on what colors to choose, opt for neutral hues, such as cream, grey, or white - as they'll work well with any furnishings.

Overhaul Your Belongings

Following the declutter you did before you moved, it's likely a few things have slipped through into the moving truck that you don't have the room or use for in your new house. If this is the case, move these items to the garage or shed, ready to be taken to charity when you next get the chance.

Contact Bill Companies

Part of setting up your home will mean you'll need to contact the utility companies that currently supply your property and let them know you're the new owner. However, that doesn't mean you need to stay with those companies. Always search for cheaper tariffs and offers elsewhere. 


Buying a house and moving your belongings is one of the most stressful things people experience, so it's essential to take a breather. Admire your new place and take your time working through the above - there's no rush.

Moving home, whether to a bigger family home, or downsizing as empty-nesters, each move marks a new chapter in your life. The above tips, such as freshening up your new abode and contacting bill companies, will allow you to settle in much quicker. 



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