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Essential Things to Do Before Moving Into Your New Home

Essential Things to Do Before Moving Into Your New Home

Moving to a new home can be a fun and exciting time in anyone’s life. You get to start a new chapter in your life, and from an interior design perspective, you have a blank canvas with which to turn a house into your home.

Before you move into your new abode, there are some essential things you need to do first. Whether it’s your first time moving to another property or not, it’s worth checking the following points for guidance on what you should do to make your moving day successful. You can work with your moving company to make sure that the day itself goes off without a hitch - after all, they are the experts! They are able to make sure that everything is managed efficiently - so you can concentrate on the rest.

Deep-Clean Your New Home

The first thing you need to do is deep-clean your new home before you move into it? Why? There are several reasons. Firstly, you don’t know about the previous occupant’s level of cleanliness.

Secondly, you want to ensure there are no uninvited guests in your home - especially ones that could cause flare-ups for respiratory conditions like asthma. Finally, you want your new home to look and smell fantastic, ready for you to unpack and set everything up.

You’ll likely be busy with packing your worldly possessions and organizing your moving day, so it makes sense to hire people to deep-clean your home for you. For example, professional carpet cleaners will ensure your carpets are in mint and sterile conditions.

Plus, you can arrange for a cleaning team to clean other areas of your new home like all surfaces, walls, doors and ceilings, bathrooms, and so forth.

Have Your HVAC System Checked

While there are teams busy cleaning the interior of your home, it’s worth having a professional inspect your HVAC system and check that everything is working as it should, especially if you’re moving during winter or summer.

Getting the HVAC system checked now means you can arrange to have any repairs carried out before your moving day. The last thing you want is to move into a home that keeps you cold during winter or hot during the summer months.

Get Your Electrics Inspected

Another thing you must do is ensure all electrical wiring, sockets, and switches, and lighting works as they should. It’s not uncommon for people to move into a home only to end up with no electrics because the previous owner failed to disclose intermittent problems.

One thing you must absolutely do before you move into your new abode is ensure that there is no risk of electrocution due to faulty wiring or exposed wiring in sockets and switches. That’s why it’s worth paying an electrician to conduct a thorough electrical safety inspection.

Organize Mail Forwarding

A final point to keep in mind is that you need to organize your mail forwarding before moving. If possible, try to give yourself a week or two before moving everything across to your new home.

That way, the mail forwarding will have time to get set up and start working correctly, and you’ll also have a chance to inform various organizations that you’re moving to a new address.

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