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3 Ways To Display Art On Your Walls Without Picture Frames!

3 Ways To Display Art On Your Walls Without Picture Frames!

Art is always a lovely addition to your home interiors. It adds a touch of colour and class to a room, really helping to bring the whole theme together. You can tailor your art to the interior design theme that you're going for, and there are so many beautiful options for all budgets. 

The only annoying thing about art is hanging it up as you need to get a good frame for it. Picture frames can be annoying to buy as the good ones are expensive, and the bad ones break easily. So, why don't you ditch them altogether and display art on your walls in alternative ways? Here are three ideas that will amplify your interiors without needing any photo frames:

Canvas prints

Canvases are super popular these days as they provide a sense of style that you just don't get with traditional framed art. The canvas hangs on your wall with ease and can be the focal point of your living room - or you can get smaller canvas art that complements other features. There's something about the style and colours of canvas art that really gives it an edge. If you want your rooms to look more stylish and classy, this is an option for you. 

Metal prints

Another idea that's extremely popular, metal prints are changing the interior game. Here, you have wonderful art that's been printed onto metal sheets. As a result, it is of extremely high quality, creating colours that you simply cannot recreate through any other format. The vibrancy of metal prints makes them stand out, as does the sheer diversity available. As shown on the Premium Metal Prints website, you can get prints of nature, sports stadiums, animals, people - or even your own photos from your phone. They can easily be mounted like canvases, meaning no frames are required. 


Alternatively, you could scrap everything and create murals for your walls. Effectively, this idea means the art is applied directly to the wall. You can draw patterns or have special writing on the wall depending on the room. This is such a unique option, and it works really well in modern homes. Murals are particularly popular in kids' bedrooms as you can get an artist to fill the wall with a collage of your child's favourite things. This can include their favourite TV show characters, favourite toys, favourite sports teams, and so on. Of course, murals can be used all around the house as well, and one of the main benefits is that you have complete creative freedom - and no mounting is required.  

See, it's possible to bring some lovely art to the home without needing to deal with picture frames. Canvas art has a classiness that can't be replicated, metal prints are so vibrant and defined, while murals offer more creativity and uniqueness. The choice is yours - and there's no reason you can't mix things up and use a combination of all three options to really bring your house to life. 

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