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Is Something Making Your House Sick?

Is Something Making Your House Sick?

You would think that one of the primary purposes of having a home to live in is to keep you healthy and safe from everything lying outside your front door. Unfortunately, homes can get sick too and, when they do, they pass it on to you. Here, we’re going to look at some of the leading causes of “sick house syndrome” and what you can do about it.

Take care of leaks as soon as possible

Moisture is one of the most dangerous agents to let reign out of control in your home. While there is such a thing as too little moisture in the air, too much is typically the graver concern, leading to the spread of bacteria, fungi, and even black mold. As such, as soon as you see any mold, you should consider taking care of it, even relying on mold remediation services if it spreads too far.

Someone unexpected in the home

If you’re seeing any of the traditional signs, such as nest materials like wood shavings or little bits of paper, leavings, or strong musty smells, then there’s a good chance there’s a pet in the home. Pests, especially mammals like mice and rats, can spread sickness through their leavings, and their dander can lead to respiratory issues, so rodent control services might be needed as soon as possible. If they have the chance to breed in your home, it can be an even more stubborn problem to try to remove.

Letting the allergens in

Unfortunately, it’s not just pests that can responsible for getting dander around the home. Your own pets can make your home a less safe place to be, making it important to make sure that you clean up after your pets on a regular basis. You can make it easier to lift dander, too, such as by relying on smooth, clean surfaces instead of those like carpets.

Be mindful of gassing

There is all manner of chemical agents that are used or might have previously been used in homes, in the past, that can then contribute to sick house syndrome. The most common amongst these are asbestos, radon, and formaldehyde, which can be given off as a gas by many things in the home, such as any flooring or furniture that release VOCs. Checking the home for these and removing any potential sources can be essential.

Improving air quality in the home

Poor air quality can let allergens such as dander, pollen, and dust travel more freely through the home’s air, which can cause all manner of unpleasant symptoms. Checking that your air conditioner is working as it should be and replacing filters in your HVAC system is just one way of improving the air quality in your home, which can especially important if you or someone in your home experiences respiratory issues.

If you have any concerns that your home might be getting you sick, it’s crucial to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. Follow the tips above and you can get to it even sooner.

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