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Is Your AC Making You Sick?

Is Your AC Making You Sick?

Whether you use your AC every second of every day, or just have it switched on from time to time, you might want to know about what it could be doing to your health. 

If you have concerns about how your AC unit is performing, you could always find 24 hour AC repair to help you out in your time of need. 

We shouldn’t live in fear about our AC units, but should try to be aware of the potential dangers it could be causing to our health. 

Here are some of them. 

Breathing Problems 

Not changing AC filters can cause many different kinds of bacteria to grow, including black mold due to the amount of moisture from condensation. All of these microorganisms can breed and cause all sorts of respiratory problems. Basically, there’s a whole load of gross stuff growing in the filters that we’re breathing in all the time. No wonder so many people visit their doctors with breathing issues! 

To stop this from happening make sure you clean  your filters every couple of months. 

Dizziness and Headache 

Feeling dizzy with a sore head? Drunk enough water and caffeine? Well, it could be your AC unit causing these feelings, and you won’t be alone in feeling like that. Office buildings tend to have AC blasting all day, which, while may make you feel more awake, they can also make you feel dizzy. Make sure you get enough fresh air coming in, or take some time out for fresh air to help regulate your body temperature. 

Weight Gain 

Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? But there’s science behind it. Air conditioning units’ soul purpose is to help regulate the temperature in a room- however, with this it means we are less likely to move our bodies to do the job for us.

Likewise, heating stops us from shivering to warm our bodies up when the temperatures are cooler.  That means we typically burn fewer calories in an attempt to warm or cool our bodies. 

Raised Blood Pressure 

Elevated blood pressure as a result of how we live is more common than we think. The small arteries in our skin create a resistance of blood flow as a result of the small arteries constricting to avoid loss of heat.

People who suffer from hypertension can help to eradicate this by avoiding cooler temperatures and using AC minimally.

Dry skin 

Air conditioning can play havoc with the quality of our skin and its overall condition. That is because the cool, dry air causes the skin to lose its natural moisture and dehydrate us. The longer we spend in Air Conditioned units, the more dry and irritated our skin becomes as a result.

To deal with the effects of air conditioning on your skin, make sure to drink plenty of water and use a high quality moisturizer. 

We cannot live without our AC units, and nobody is telling you that you should, but if you’ve been feeling a little off color with no real cause- it could simply be time to have your AC unit serviced!

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