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Why It's So Hot and What You Can Do About It

Why It's So Hot and What You Can Do About It

Summer is in full swing, and almost the entire world has been subjected to extreme temperatures. The UK is currently going through a heatwave. The US is getting forest fires once more, and climate change has caused massive flooding across Europe and China. If you aren't used to the heat, it can be very distressing and uncomfortable. 

It's a strange feeling when you are sweating while staying still. Drinking cold water and sticking your head next to a fan can only go so far. You are promptly sticky again when you move away from the fan, and unless you are allowed to wear your birthday suit all day, you are just going to have to put up with the hot and humid climate. But it doesn't need to be this way.

Reasons Why It's So Hot

You are probably well aware of climate change and the effect that it has on overall global temperatures. But you may not be aware of the way heat is trapped and expelled. Known as the “Heat Island Effect”, heat from the sun is trapped and accumulates under specific conditions. These conditions apply mainly to dense urban areas with minimal greenery and cramped conditions.

One of the most significant contributing factors is untreated roads that absorb and then expel heat after it accumulates. This happens at night which is why nights can sometimes feel hotter than the day. Extra heat like this can make you uncomfortable and contributes to restless sleep. Other contributors include excessive vehicles and technology, inferior construction materials, and adjacent buildings. All of which are common in urban areas.

Don't Condition Your Air, Purify It

When trying to cool your air, you will probably be tempted to buy a new air conditioning unit. But this can cause more harm than good. While it will help to cool you down, air conditioners produce extra heat. This makes them one of the most significant contributors to heat islands. Additionally, ACUs provide ample breeding grounds for hazardous microbes and mold - not precisely fitting during a pandemic.  

For better air, consider an air purifying unit. Air purifiers work by sucking in pollutants and contaminants in the air and trapping them in a HEPA filter. They then expel cleaned air into the room, therefore purifying and making it better to breathe. Additionally, the evicted, clean air is dispersed via a cooling fan. While it won't feel like an ice blast, a room temperature with an air purifier is noticeably cooler than a room without.

Knock the Rocks

When it's sweltering, you will naturally reach for an ice-cold drink. But you may not be aware that ice-cold water doesn't help to cool you down. The cooling effect only works on contact. So your hand, your lips, and mouth are temporarily cooled but will return to the average temperature in seconds. Essentially doing nothing to cool you.

So what should you drink? Well, water. Filtered room temperature water is the best cooling fluid when it's too hot and is a vital part of self care. When it's hot, you need to sweat, as it is the evaporation of moisture from the skin that cools you down. But this water is lost and can cause dehydration, so it needs to be replaced. Drinking water is the best method of replacing lost fluids, and the more you consume, the more can be used for sweating - and cooling. High-water vegetables and fruits are also excellent for cooling you down, such as celery, cucumber, and watermelon. 

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