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Reasons To Replace Your Windows

Reasons To Replace Your Windows

Over time, lots of elements within our houses degrade and they need to be replaced to fulfil the job that they need to. These can be from interior wall structures, to piping to windows, things that are integral to our house that we forget about. If a house is watertight, we tend to forget that our windows degrade with the weather outside and can be causing our house to be less energy efficient. This is why we need to make sure windows are in tip-top condition so our houses can do the best job for us. 

Windows make a house more energy efficient

There's a lot in the press at the moment about being energy conscious and energy efficient, and the easiest way for homeowners to make their house more energy efficient is to upgrade their windows. Typically, at least 10% of all energy consumption within your house is lost through poor quality windows. This may surprise you, as your house may be perfectly warm,  but what home owners don't realise is that 10% of your energy bill is being wasted by heating the air outside of your home. This percentage increases with single glazing. 

Heat energy doesn’t just escape through the glass, but through the frames and putty around the paynes of glass. Older frames that are 10 years old plus will not have the same properties as frames made today, which can cause this problem. 


There is nothing more important in life than knowing you and your family are secure, however many people don’t change their windows when they move house. We all have a draw that contains old keys and things from our old houses but have you thought that the old owners of your house may be able to get in using the old window keys? 

What about the window beading too? As with older windows, the beading is on the outside meaning it is very easy for the frames to be taken off and the glass popped out from the outside of the window. These after thoughts really make a difference to the security of your property which is important to address. The cost of new windows and door locks is a lot less than having to replace all your belongings. 

Changing single paynes for double glazed paynes is not just a security perk that will inhibit intruders. Single payne windows are more likely to break than double glazing. Single payne windows are rarely made anymore due to the risk of injury being so high. As double glazed windows have two paynes as opposed to one they are harder to break. Therefore reduces the risk of injury should for any reason one of the paynes shattering. 

There are many companies nationally that replace windows and that are reputable for their customer service. However, it can be difficult to choose the right one. Renewal by Andersen’s double hung windows is a good place to start. You need to find a company that will give you an honest quote for the materials and labor costing and Andersen’s do just that! 

Tips On A Modern 1980s Home Makeover

Tips On A Modern 1980s Home Makeover

4 Quick and Easy Ways to Spruce Up Your Living Space

4 Quick and Easy Ways to Spruce Up Your Living Space